can't find the u in "us" cause i loose it every time.. - e.h

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you and edwin haven't see each other in about 6 months. you moved to LA and have been trying to get your footing, so you're both really close to each other distance wise but there's just been so much going on lately that you've both kept your distance.

so much so you thought he was cheating. which, caused you to take a step back. cause you knew something was up, so if you stopped contacting him, you were praying he'd message you back being considerate or something.

you knew things weren't right.
you just had no idea how to approach it.

"our place. 12pm. today. my room." edwin texts you. needless to say, it terrified you.

you reply "okay"

so you have a shower, get ready and put dressed into your favourite jeans, a hoodie of his that he gave you awhile ago and braided your hair.

you walk into the house at about 11:45. the traffic wasn't as bad as you were expecting so you got there early.

brandon looked at you "everything okay?"
austin jumps in "you look terrified"
you shrug "i don't know." you show them edwin's text
brandon and austin look at each other "yeah you better go see what's up. that's not ed"

you nod and walk upstairs.

you get into edwin's room and he's looking out the window.

you walk in & sit on the bed

edwin turns around "what's been with us lately.."
you sighed "i don't. i don't know"
edwin snaps "you live 10 minutes away!"
you sighed "and so do you! why didn't you reply to my texts? i was genuinely concerned ed!! i even thought you were cheating on me at one point!.." you paused and looked at edwin "wait you're not are you?"

edwin shakes his head "no i would never"
you sighed "then what is it?!"
edwin sighed "can't find the u in "us", cause i loose it every time!"
you look at edwin "the whole on & off thing?"
edwin nods

you sighed "it's killing me too"
edwin sighed "then why does it not work out?"
you sighed "i really don't know"
edwin walks towards you & sits on the bed "maybe we just needa spend some time together nonstop & see if it brings us closer or splits us up more"
you nod "sounds like a good idea but did you read that from a women's magazine that i left here awhile back?"
edwin smiled "maybe! but that's not the point!"
you smiled "yeah. we'll give it a go"

you moved into the house for a few weeks. to see if what y'all had was worth keeping or just moving on. and you never know how much what y'all had meant until then two weeks. it made you realise that you could never let that go again. ever. no matter what.

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