stop being handsy and just do the normal choreo - z.k (part two)

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lil recap;
you've known the PM boys from auditions. but. the one you fell for just HAPPENED to make it into the band and your dad? well he works with them daily. so it causes tension. your dad notices zion isn't picking up the choreography.. so he gets you to teach him when he's got a meeting. but zion gets handsy. you stop him. he invites you back later. but. when you get there. all hell breaks loose...

you haven't heard anything from zion after you left, so you were still sure he wanted you over there since he didn't cancel or whatever. but. well that's the opposite.

you get to the house and walk in. you see your dad sitting beside zion.. then. your heart drops.

your dad looks at you "i happened to hear the other boys gossiping about you two getting close when dancing hey?"
you sighed "dad it wasn't. well it's not-"
he cut you off "you know what. i don't care what it is or what it isn't. but i sure as hell know that you should of picked brandon. not zion."
you sighed "dad! he's not a bad guy."
greg, your dad scoffed. "mhm. okay. sure."
you sighed "dad seriously!!"
your dad looks at you "then why did you come back this late to see him??"
you looked at the dad "i want to see him."
your dad nods "but it's 2am."
you sighed "yeah. and. you sneak out to see your girlfriend at the same time. why can't i?"
your dad scoffed and mumbled "i can't believe you!" and left.

you sighed looking at zion who immediately comforted you. he then sighed

"i'm sorry i came between you and your dad. i never intended too. you know all i want is for you to be happy. even if that means what we have disappears."

you sighed "it's fine. dad & i have been in a rough patch ever since mom passed. can we just move on?"
zion nods "yes!! so dance?"
you nod "perfect"

you and zion spent the night dancing and actually ended up falling asleep on the floor. the time went so fast around zion. but when you were around your dad, time always slowed down. you were so glad to just see it be the two of you without having to worry what and if your dad would be okay with y'all. and honestly. it was a sigh of relief that he knew, even though he handled it badly.. you knew you could finally breathe now that everyone knows.

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