social media drama - e.h

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"stop doing this shit! you're only with him for the fame!"
"he can do you much better than you!"
you sighed as you read the comments on (the photo attached) that edwin posted of you & him)

your brother steven sits beside you "if he makes you sad, you should leave him"
you sighed "it's not him. it's. it's nothing"
steven smiled "i know you better than anyone y/n. you need to tell me"
you shrug "idk. he just. the fans just they keep causing shit"
steven smiled "if they're upsetting you, then you should take a step back"
you sighed "i love him"

steven wraps his arms around you "you're my little sister y/n, i'm always gonna have your back. always. you need to talk to edwin. tell him how you feel"
you sighed resting your head on your brother stevens shoulder "i just don't know what to do. i love him"
steven nods "i know y/n.. but i don't wanna see you hurt and it shouldn't be by some silly fans when he can stop it if you just say the word."
you nod then rolled your eyes "shit i hate when you're right"

grabbing your phone from the table beside you, you decide to send edwin a quick text saying you're on your way;

you; i'll be over in a few. we really
needa talk.

egg head🥚🙊;  okay! see you
soon baby!

you; okay

you didn't wanna say anything over text cause you knew you just were too much of a mess to even try texting it.

you arrive to the house and the boys tell you edwin is in his room so you walk on up and knock on the door and sit on the bed

"look ed.." you look at edwin as you sigh
edwin looks at you "i swear to god that if you're about to break up with me."
you shake your head "no no no. never. i just"
edwin looks at you " y/n. i know something is upsetting you.. so what is it?"
you sighed "your ah. your. the. the comments on your. post of us.. kinda aren't exactly the nicest.."
edwin sighed  "i was gonna call you and ask if you're okay. but hey, i'm sure it'll settle down"
you sighed "ed. it's been going on for a few weeks. it's just more and more bad comments. like just of me as a person."
edwin smiled "babe if they can't see what i can see then they're the ones missing out! as long as i can have you in my life and we're happy; i don't care what others think"
you look at edwin "and what if they stop supporting the band because of me then what?"
edwin smiled "then we lose supporters. so what! i know for sure the boys would rather have you be happy than stump to a supporters stupid comment"
you nod "yeah i guess that's true"
edwin smiled " exactly! the boys just want you happy. they want us happy. i'll make a instagram post about it in a few okay? then its just us."
you nod" thank you."
edwin kisses your the top of your head "anytime baby. i love you"
you smiled "i love you too"

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