come & see me for once - n.m

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you & nick are doing long distance.. but not normal long distance. it's best friend/ y'all have a thing. like not more than friends but not just friends. let's just say, it's not easy. you're always making the effort to see him. but he's never trying to come see you. unless you're in LA with him. but when you're back home in utah. that's a different story..

nick calls you. it was odd. you answered "hi"
he smiled "baby!"
you sighed "come & see me for once."

brandon looks at nick as he was looking at his phone hella confused "what up?"
nick looks at brandon "all she ever said was come & see me for once"
brandon smiled "and that nick. was a hint"
nick looks at brandon "ah still confused"
zion jumps in "bro. she wants you to go see her. she's like probably just sick of coming here"
nick nods "ah okay when we going to utah next?"
zion face palms.
brandon nods "i got this z"

brandon sits beside nick "bro. if you're not gonna try and see her, you are going to lose her"
nick shrugs "she just. she's always going on about we. and i do try, i hit her up the other week when she was in LA."
brandon nods "yeah. in LA. that's the point nick."
nick sighed "fine. i'll take the hint."

nick got on the next flight to utah. before you knew it, a knock was at your door. you stand up and open it. seeing nick "ni-"
he cuts you off "babe. we gotta talk"
you nod "okay."
nick sighed "i know i don't come see you. and i know you want me too. i just. idk. it's not. i don't. you always talk about we? but what are we?"
you shrug "i don't. i don't know nick. i just. i feel like i'm making all the effort. yeah, you make plans with me. but that's only when i fly out to LA. i can't afford to keep doing that.."
nick looks at you "i'll do you one better"
you look at nick "huh?"
nick sighed "i nearly lost you today y/n and i was completely clueless of it.. so. i'll step up my game. if. you'll be my girlfriend"
you look at nick "did. did you just make us offical?"
nick nods "yes, i did"
you smiled "yes. i will"

you and nick have been offical for 6 months now. you see each other so much more than what y'all did before. & he's making more effort. you couldn't be happier

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