text fights.. - n.m

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fighting over text for you and nick wasn't exactly normal. if you do, there's normally something more going on than what it seems.

you hung out with nick for the night before having to fly back to san francisco early hours in the morning.
before you knew it, nick texts you;

before you knew it, nick texts you;

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you sighed reading the text. you had no idea what was happening or what had just happened. & you couldn't get it out of nick. so. you go to plan b.

you call zion. zion is who you're closest too but not only that, he can't keep secrets to himself 90% of the time.

you sighed "pick up pick up pick up"
zion answered "hello?! what up?"
you sighed "thank god. hey. is nick okay?"
zion shrugs " i'm not sure. he went to his room as soon as you left at 11 and i haven't heard from him"
you sighed "shit.."
zion sounds confused "what up?"

you sighed "he texted me saying things aren't right between us when they were when i left. there's gotta be something more to this"
zion smiled "what do you mean?"
you sighed "i mean it's not like nick to say something like that.. especially after i've just spent the last 72 hours around him."
zion nods "true. okay. stay on the phone but keep quiet. i'll go talk to him"

you didn't leave the airport. your flight was boarding but you knew you couldn't leave. not like this. something was definitely up and you weren't going anywhere until you knew he was okay.

zion kept you on the phone as he walks up to nick's room "nick? everything okay bro?"
nick responds "yep. i'm good!" but it was a good 30 seconds before he answered and that wasn't like nick.

so. you got in an uber and made your way back to the boys place. with your headphones in, listening to the call still.

nick sighed "okay fine. it's not. the house party last month? a week before y/n got here i kinda almost slept with someone else."

you sighed as quietly as you could. then hung up. you didn't want nick to know you heard it. you wanted him to tell you it to your face.

you arrive back to the boys' place and go right up to nick's room.

you look at nick "you never start that kinda thing over text. and the only time when we do fight on text, something is seriously wrong. so. what's wrong."
nick sighed "i made out with a girl at the house party we had a week before you got here last time and i nearly slept with her..."
you sighed "and you didn't tell me until now?!?"
you decided to call it off between the two of you "we can be friends: that's all. i can't handle this."

you then walked off and just sat on the curb. you had no idea why he would do that but. you still went with your gut and called it off. after a few months, it was the best decision. y'all were meant to be nothing more than friends and i think that experience showed you just that.

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