i dont wanna stay on the phone baby i want you back home - b.a

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you and brandon have been dating for 3 years now. but things changed a lot last year in the fall when you decided to attend college in London. as in the London, United Kindom. yep. and how did brandon handle it you ask? well. not good.

every time you would come out of classes there would be millions of texts from brandon & missed facetimes. you adore him. you really do and it's so precious how much he cares for you. some people would call it clingy but to you, it made you feel like you were worth something to somebody, which. is rare for you.

you head back to your dorm and call brandon on facetime
brandon answers with the biggest smile on his face "baby!!"
you smiled "hey b"
brandon smiled "i wrote a song today"
you smiled "yeah?! can i hear it?"
brandon nods and plays it for you "i wanna see you in my arms, i don't wanna stay on the phone baby i want you back home"
you smiled "baby. i miss you too. but you know i can't until the semester is over"
brandon nods "i know but i just. i miss you. i miss you in my arms"
you nod "i'll be home before you know it b!"
brandon nods "hey. we gotta go to rehearsals. i'll call you later okay?! i love you!"
you smiled "i love you you more!"
brandon smiled "bye baby"

you hung up and looked at your computer. you decided to go out of your comfort zone. and book a flight back to LA that lands TOMORROW. you pack your things enough for a few months then get in the uber to the airport.

on the way to the airport you knew you had to get someone in on it. so. you facetime edwin.
edwin answers "hi"
you smiled "hey ed. you near b? i need your help" you slightly whisper
edwin walks out of the rehearsal and nods "yup i am now! what's up?"
you smiled "i'm kinda. i'm on my way to LA"
edwin smiled "no way?!? fr!? man b is gonna love you!"
you smiled "that's the thing"
edwin smiled "what?"
you smiled "ah don't tell b. i don't want him to know"
edwin nods as he then hung up.

you got to LA and it was the next day. you landed around the same time you called edwin so you knew they'd be at rehearsals. so. you showed up.

you walk in "hey! i wanna learn some choreography!"
brandon smiled "babe! no way!"
you nod "yeah way. actually once i heard your song i knew i couldn't just stay in london so here i am"
brandon hugs you tightly "i love you!!"
you smiled "i love you too, b"

he then goes into teaching you the choreo. you both laugh and joke around whilst dancing. it was something that you DEFINITELY missed being away from when you were in london.. let's just say. leaving him again isn't gonna be easy.

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