i miss her.. - b.a (part one)

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you and brandon so long distance. and i mean long distance. you're from australia and he's from the US. so let's just say. it's beyond difficult. you met through instagram when brandon's following was very small. you came across him on the explore page.  you saw how creative and passionate he is for music and it instantly drew you to him. you dmed him first. saying how talented he is, that he deserves more recognition. and before you knew it, y'all were talking daily; in text, on instagram, facetime. until summer...

you flew over to LA to see him. you spent the whole summer there. every single day you spent with him. every day. seeing him for the first time in person was emotional for the both of you. as soon as you saw him you could tell he was crying, which then made you cry. but then you could both laugh it off.

it was the best 3 months you have ever had. but the fact that you had to leave, just brought tears to your eyes every single time..

brandon sighed "y/n. do you have to go? can't you just move out here?"
you sighed "i wish it was that easy"
brandon sighed "why not?"
you sighed "it just isn't okay"

you walk up to brandon's room to grab all your things and stuff them into your suitcase and go back downstairs "my uber is here. if i take too long he'll charge me extra"
you sighed heading to the uber
brandon rushes out to you "babe! cancel the uber. let the boys & i take you"
you sighed "fine. but it's gonna make it even harder to say goodbye.."

you load into the car with the boys and rest your head on brandon's shoulder the whole time
you all get out of the car and walk to your gate. you sighed as you got there "i hate goodbyes. y'all know that."
you started hugging the boys and saying goodbye.
when you got to brandon. your head couldn't take it. you were already crying.
you sighed "the hello was easy.. but this.."
brandon smiled as he held onto you "hey. we'll see each other again. i promise."
you sighed "15 and a half hour flight. 21 hours timezone different. $1500 one way. over 8,100 miles away. it ain't that easy"
brandon kisses your forehead "you made it here once. you can make it back"
you sighed "after 2 years b. i don't. i don't know if i can keep doing this. the goodbyes are. they're. they're. literally hell."
brandon kisses you "next time. there won't be a goodbye"
you were confused but you nodded.

you get back to australia. 2 months later..

brandon is on his phone looking at the lockscreen of the two of you "i miss her..."
zion smiled places his hand on your shoulder "you'll be okay bro!"

to be continued tonight!!!

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