i wrote this about y/n... - b.a (part two)

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lil recap;
you're having a photo shoot at the boys place & the boys are live and brandon keeps looking at you and the fans started to get suspicious. so nick separated brandon and you to talk.

"i wrote this for y/n..."

"cause every step i take it feels a little deeper. feels a little weaker,, inside of me.
every time i look into your eyes i'm lost in a world oh.
so take me far away from here.
beyond the walls of the atmosphere"

everyone was freaking out. and you? well it's safe to say that you were too.

you look at brandon and mouth "a word?"
brandon nods and jumped out of the frame.
you both walked inside.

you look at brandon "what was-"
brandon jumps in "it was me telling you i miss you. i fucked up. you have no idea how much i've been thinking about you from day one. my biggest regret was leaving you. because i took you for granted and i now know that."
you sighed "music was the one thing we shared. the we wrote, we sang, we recorded 24/7. and you were the only one that knew that i loved doing music."
brandon nods "i know. but i had to leave. to do this. it wasn't how i wanted it to be."
you sighed "yeah? then why does all your fans know me by name? you just causally mention all your ex's to your supporters?!"
brandon sighed "no! and i think you know that. you are the best thing that happened to me. you were my safe haven. just looking through memories of us it kills me that i ruined that."
you nod "hm. how did he know how to find me? nick?"
brandon sighed "he's my best friend. he was worried about me. he said me talking about you 24/7 when there isn't anything to us isn't good at all. especially being in the public eye"
you sighed "you mean it?"
brandon nods "all of it. you were you are my safe haven."
you nod "okay. since were both in the same state. we'll try. but. one thing."
brandon smiled and nods "anything"
you smiled "don't mention us being us to the fans yet. wait until we know it's going somewhere okay."
brandon nods "anything for you"

after finally seeing eye to eye and why brandon did what he did, you agreed to try again. and by far was it the best decision you've ever made. what they say is true.. you never really know how much someone truly means to you until they're gone.

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