we never got along.. so why now? - b.a

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you and brandon dance at the same studio. he's been there every since you started and you couldn't put your finger on it but y'all haven't gotten along since day one. it's an odd thing but you just haven't bothered questioning it cause you want to focus on your dance and not just some boy. until. he confuses something you never expected.

"brandon! how's you and that girl?" zion smirks
"drop it z. we haven't spoken a word to each other. as a matter of fact i have no idea why i even like her in the first place" brandon shrugs
"i see i see. so now you're paranoid.? bro just go talk to her! class ends in 10. catch her before she leaves." zion looks at brandon
"idk" brandon shrugs and heads back to doing his freestyle

you stand there watching brandon. as much as you hated him, you had to admit he was a pretty bloody good dancer.

after the class had finished you got a drink and brandon walked over to you
brandon smiled "hey can we talk?"
you look at brandon "we never got along.. so why now?"
brandon shrugs "i don't know. you just really stand out to me."
you shrugged "brandon i don't need this. i have to do rehearsals for the show on tuesday. just. another time."
brandon sighed "why can't you just spear 10 minutes? that's all it takes?"
you shake your head "not today. not when the comp is so close."

brandon just stood up and walked away, back over to the boys.

edwin smiled "how'd that go?!"
zion smiled "you were over there longer than we expected so it would of gone good right?!"
brandon shakes his head "it didnt okay. just drop it."

you leave the studio. but you had a key. so after everyone left you went back by yourself just to dance out everything going through your head.

you bump into brandon, you had no idea he was even there, causing you to twist your ankle.

brandon sighed "shit i'm so sorry i had no idea you were here too."
you sighed "just forget it and help me up."
brandon helped you up. as you were standing there in his arms. you both felt something you just couldn't explain. which weirded you both out cause last time you checked y'all hated each other.
you mumble about an inch away from brandon's lips touching with yours "brandon i can't. i just."
he kissed you to shut you up. "i know you're always saying you can't. but maybe that changed it. i just thought kissing you would-"
you then kissed brandon to shit him up "shut me up?" you finished his sentence.

brandon looks at you "so ah. now what?"
you shrugged "no idea..."
brandon smiled "i have one but i don't think you're gonna like it"
you look at brandon "i didn't think i likes you yet here we are"
brandon nods "fair point. i think you should sit this comp out..."
you look at brandon "no way! i worked on this routine for 6 months! i'm not just dropping it cause we bumped into each other. not gonna happen."
brandon sighed "y/n. your ankle. it could be broken, torn, twisted. you never know."
you sighed "i don't care what it is. i care about this comp. that's all."
you start to grab your things "turns out that distraction wasn't worth it.." you sighed and called an uber to the hospital

— the next day —

brandon walks into class a lot later than normal. the boys look at him "oooo what happened" austin said interested but also caring. it's hard to read him sometimes.
brandon sighed "nothing okay. let's just get started."

the class was half way through and you hadn't shown up yet. as awkward as last night was, brandon was starting to get really worried.

zion smirks "where's your girl b?!"
brandon sighed "she's not my girl! and i don't know."

you then walk. or should i say hop into class. your foot in a moon boot. it was broken in 4 places. a lot more than what you expected. and what you felt when it first happened

brandon b-lined straight for you "i'm. i'm sorry i got you into this mess. i really am"
you sighed "it's. it's okay. it's not your fault."
brandon nods "actually it was. all you wanted was to be apart of the comp and i've taken that away from you. i gotta go."

brandon rushes outside and sits on the curb

you follow him. slowly since your on crutches but you got there eventually.
"brandon.." you sighed as you slowly sat beside him
brandon sighed "go away. i don't wanna ruin anything else for you."
you looked at brandon "this was just bad luck." you pointed to your leg "but this wasn't" you kiss brandon in hope that spark would still be there and that it wasn't a fluke.

"it's still there" brandon whispered
"it sure is" you nod and smiled
"thank you" brandon smiled as he helped you up.

y'all went back into class and you watched brandon dance. it was the best you had ever seen him dance. he might of been bad luck to you but you seemed to be good luck for him. it wasn't a total loss.

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