happy birthday - n.m

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you & nick have known each other since he was 15 and you were 13. although there's a few years between y'all, you got along as soon as you met. fast forward some years and it's coming up to nick's 21st birthday. and since it's the big 21, you wanted to do something special.

you remember that when the boys are rehearsing that nick is always complaining about not having his own car; so, you being the most amazing girlfriend ever, you decide to buy nick a car (in photo) it wasn't a lamborghini or anything but it was something.

once the boys had finished rehearsal, you had austin in on the plan, so he knew what was happening, the other 4? not so much.

before you know it austin texts you;

porter porter porter⚡️😉; hey! we're leaving rehearsal and heading home now!

you; okay! see you soon. the car is parked
up the street. i'll be waiting around
the block so he doesn't notice me!

porter porter porter⚡️😉; okay!
see you in a few!! i hope this goes well!

you; yeah.
that makes two of us 😅

you got everything ready as austin texts you saying it's all going to plan and all ready to go. you sighed nervous as you pull the car up the driveway and knock on the door. austin let's you in and you sit beside nick who is distracted

"hey! i brought your birthday present over if you want it now!" you smiled at nick
nick looked at you shocked "you didn't have to get me anything"
i smiled "shush. i wanted to. i had to! i would have felt bad if i didn't! now let me put this on you!" you tie the bandana around nick's eyes.

zion smirks "oooo maybe we should leave now"
edwin smirks "yeah honestly this is getting weird"
brandon nods "normally these fools are wrong but this time they're not"
austin smiled "just leave it. it's gonna get good!"

you then walk nick out to the car you just brought him, he then heard the boys in awe. so he wasn't sure how to react.

you take the blindfold off slowly "happy birthday. i love you so much"
nick looks at the boys who are in shook, austin nods as he knew about it
you smiled "before you say anything; you deserve it, i'm not returning it, it's not too much, and again. you deserve it"
nick was starting to get teary eyed "babe..."
you smiled "happy birthday"
nick pulled you into a hug and then yall got into the car and drove for a good two hours before coming back and going to sleep. was a good reaction that you were hopping for!

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