i wrote this about y/n... - b.a

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you and brandon broke up awhile back. but ever since you can't help but think about him. you both moved out to LA for your careers. you were hoping to bump into him and that chemistry would be there & you'd be back to how y'all were in your early teens.. turns out. that's not quite how it planned out.

you are in LA due to photography but music is a side thing for you.
brandon knew that, everyone else? nope.
it was something you shared. something that only HE knew about.
everyone knew you played guitar since you were young, but everyone thought it was just for your brother, but it was for you too. since you wanted to do music before you found photography. and after brandon left it really showed you that photography was what you wanted to do because although he was always on your mind that's one thing where he wasn't on it as much. believe it or not.

one day. one casual tuesday morning you get a dm from @therealnickmara. you weren't sure who it was, but you opened it.

little did you know, the beanz actually knew quite a lot about you & b. fans would bring it up every now and then and he would always go quiet. nick would always just jump in saying y'all drifted when he & brandon knew that wasn't the case.

you read the dm;
"hi! i'm sorry it's such late notice but i've seen some of your work & i was wondering if you could do a photo shoot for myself and my band this week? we need some photos to drop on our site so we can realise our merch so if you could get back to me asap that would be dope!"

you reply;
"yeah! i can do that! text me the address and i'll be there by 1!"

nick sends you the address. you take a shower, eat brunch and get everything loaded into the car and head to the boys place in the hollywood hills from your little apartment in north hollywood. was about a 15 minute drive which wasn't too bad.

you knock on the door and you just see 3 guys. the one that dmed you, a tall skinny af dude, & a tall guy with blonde hair. which was all good.

20 minutes into the shoot they go live on the band account. the camera is flicked on b when he clicks to who you are. he didn't say anything but you could tell it came as a shook.

nick noticed that he noticed and handed the phone off to zion "finish the live, b and i got somethin to do"
he pulled you & b aside. "look. idk where or what this tension is but it's been in the room for along ass time so please sort things out."

you look at brandon "i'm-"
brandon cuts you off "no i'm sorry. we were young and dumb and shit and the fact i cut you off without no reason was rude and i'm sorry. for what it matters i do miss you"
you sighed "brandon we can't. you know. i know. we know we can't."
brandon looks back at nick and then over at the phone "y'all i have an original!"

"i wrote this about y/n"

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