i just cant wait no more! - a.p

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you and austin have been dating for about 5 years now. and it's been the best 5 years of your life. yes, y'all met when you were quite young at 15, but it didn't stop you from spending as much as you could with him.

and it was one of the best things you ever did. since you decided not to go to college and move out with austin to LA for pretttmuch. although it was a big decision, you know it was worth it for you.

you got to attend dance classes, improve on what you love, whilst being able to go back to whom you love every single day, you couldn't get any better than that!

austin sits the boys down "so. i ahh. i'm kinda. i'm thin-"
zion cuts him off "aust! spill it! we ain't got all day"
austin then nods and continues "-i'm gonna. i'm gonna propose to y/n when she gets back from dance"
nick and zion jump up and down "AW AW AW AW" they fan girl.
austin smiled as he then looks a edwin who didn't have a reaction.
he itches his head with nervous "ah. ed?"
edwin smiled "i love you porter. we all do. but. you sure? 100% sure?"
austin nods "1000%. there's no doubt in my mind"
edwin nods "then yeah. i'm okay with it! her parents?"

austin smiled "well that. you have to go pick them up! if i'm not here when she gets back she'll get suspicious. so. b! this is for you!"
brandon rolls his eyes "it's cause i have such a good effect on parents isn't it?!"
austin shakes his head "no it's because you have a girlfriend. if she gets suspicious i can just say you're with charlotte"
brandon nods "hm smart move porter! chuck me the keys"

austin throws brandon the keys, who then goes to get your parents.

you arrive back to the house and throw everything on the floor and just flop on the sofa
austin smiled as he lifted your head up to put on his lap "that hard huh!"
you nod "it was expert class today. if anything i'm intermediate"
austin smiled "i'm sure you killed it babe! how about you go have a shower and i'll have you a cup of coffee ready for when you get out!?"
you smiled "you treat me too well porter"
austin smiled "it's what you deserve!"

whilst you were in the shower brandon comes back with your parents. he locks them in nick's room. since he has a balcony that over looks the backyard. so they'll see everything but you won't see them.

when you get out of the shower, austin hands you the coffee "come on! i brought you something!"
he then grabs your hand and leads you to the backyard

"y/f/n i love you so much. with every single bone in my body. every single bit of me. you have been with me through every step of the way. you've been there no matter what. you have got my back through all the things the fans throw at us, good or bad, you've stuck with me. and they might not approve of this. and fuck it if they don't. but. once again; y/f/n. i love you so much. will you marry me?" austin gets down on one knee
zion shouts out "ITS SO BEAUTIFUL SAY YES"
brandon smacks him

you nod "yes. a thousand times yes!!"

austin then picks you up and spins you around "look up there bub"

you look up and see your mother and father looking down at y'all with tears streaming down their faces. you run straight up to them with no hesitation.

your dad wipes your tears away from your face "i'm so proud of you hunny"
your mom kisses the ring "i am so glad that after all that heart break my baby girl has finally found someone so loves you for you"

it was definitely a night to remember.

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