butterflies come out when she opens her mouth - n.m

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you and nick aren't together. but. let's just say you do know of him. hell. your best friend is dating brandon.

so yeah. you've ran into him a few times but. one time. things change.

you're at the house party, which you always feel awkward at. although your best friend monica is with brandon it still doesn't feel right being there.

so you kinda just go sit out by the pool whilst everyone is inside drinking and dancing. you start singing. no one knows you sing. not even monica. it's something you've loved your whole life and the last thing you want is to put yourself out there then have others say you're not good enough.

you start singing.. but. nick is standing there. did you know? nope. would you of stopped if you knew he was there? definitely.

nick looks at you "w-wait. you sing?"
you look at nick "you ah. you heard all that?"
nick nods "yep. all of it. y/n. i didn't know you sing?"
you shrug "no one does."
nick smiled "well. you were really good"

nick then walked over to the boys. they look at nick oddly. "what's up?" said zion
nick shrugs "y/n sings?"
monica shakes her head "no she doesn't?"
nick nods "i heard her and she kinda. she." he then mumbled "butterflies came out when she opened her mouth"
edwin smirks "make a move"

a few hours later you were still outside. nick sat beside you "hey. everything okay?"
you nod "yeah i'm fine." you try to stand up but nick grabs onto your arm "y/n.."
you turned around "let me go. i wanna go home. please."
nick looks at you "i know weren't not that close but i know something happened.."
you sighed "a random guy came up to me once you left and kept trying to hit on me and kiss me even after i said no"
nick sighed "you ain't going home in case he's waiting for you. you're staying here."

nick sat with you until everyone left and then walked back inside with you.

you both connected outside. it was hard to explain but knowing that he wasn't leaving your side until he knew you were okay. it just shows how much he cares which, was very attractive to you. you knew that the other boys would 1. not react at all cause they just shut down when you say that kinda thing. 2. they go off and crazy looking for whoever hurt you.

so it was very heartwarming to see nick being so caring to you.

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