Park Jihoon and Ong Seungwoo - Magic Touch [Forked Road]

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This one is for Wangsyi
hope you like it ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

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My name is Kim Y/N and I lead a pretty normal life; except for the fact that I am a witch princess. My entire family comes from a long line of royal wizards and warlocks and we rule the magic realm in the eleventh dimension. My parents rule was soon coming to an end so they decided to enrol us in a new school that could help us control our powers. In the end, one of us would take up the throne and rule the magical realm.

Sadly, for majority of my life, I've never used my powers. I've tried so hard to fit in, I forgot the fact I had powers. Even if I tried, it wouldn't last long. One of the secrets in my family lineage is a special power that the females acquire; the ability to see into one's future.

With this in mind, I was curious to see what would happen in my time at wizardry school.


I walked to the front of the school with my twin brother, Jaehwan. The sign at the gate was written in big, bold letters;


Unlike me, Jaehwan was excited to be a full fledged warlock. Without waiting for me, he ran through the open gates, ready to explore the large school. I took that was my cue to start walking inside my future school. I tried to find the office, but the hallways felt like labyrinth; everywhere I turned, I felt I was walking back to the same place.

Too many thoughts were running around my head, but they were interrupted by a soft voice. "Are you okay? You seem to be lost." I looked around and was confused to see no one around. The voice came back again, this time with a bit of laughter in it.
"I'm up here"

I looked up and saw a girl floating midair. My jaw dropped as she carefully brought herself down. "That was amazing!" The girl giggled a bit and but her wand in her boot. She stuck her hand out, a huge smile on her face. "My name's Jawahir. I'm from New York, but I moved here for school."

I shyly smiled as I took her hand. "My name is Kim Y/N. My brother and I just got invited here. He seems to be enjoying himself. Me...not so much." Jawahir's eyes widened once she heard my name.

"Now way! Your the princess?! I'm the daughter of Kingdom's advisor! Your parents' right hand man. I'll be taking my gather's position soon so I'll be able to work beside you or your brother." I let out a small laugh. "Hopefully it's my brother. I can barely find my way around this school. How will I find my way around another dimension?"

Jawahir glanced down at the paper in my hand and nodded. "Ah, do you need help getting to the office? It's a bit tricky since WISP isn't like other schools." I smiled, grateful for Jawahir's help as we began to walk to the school's office. While we were walking, I noticed some students with wands and many without. Curious, I tapped Jawahir's shoulder.

"Hey, why are those kids not holding wands?" Jawahir followed my gaze and smiled. "That's because this school isn't just for magic. It's for magical creatures of all kinds and the 'special cases'"

Confused, I continued to ask questions. "What are special cases? Did something happen to them?" Jawahir shook her head as we continued to walk. "Special cases are kids who haven't found out what the magical side of them is. It's takes them some time to discover the magic in them unlike you who knew it since you were born."

I nodded, glancing at two boys who were walking together. They didn't have any other magical features or wands so I assumed then to be special cases. They both looked at me, and smiled widely. I felt my face go red as they started to walk towards us. "Hey Jawahir. Who's the new girl?" The other boy nodded as he bent down to my height. "She looks cute"

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