Kim Jaehwan - Sing For You

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This is for kpoplife_girl
Hope you like it~

I sat down by the fire with the rest of the Wanna One members and my own group members. YMC decided for both of our groups to have a company bonding session, so they rented cabins for us to go camping. The problem is that I hate camping.

It all started at the beginning of the day....


I pulled my luggage behind me as I followed my members to our cabin. I saw Wanna One moving in their cabin and smiled to each other. I sighed as I unpacked. One of my members, Jawahir, noticed and sat down next to me.

"Hey, I know you hate camping but it'll be nice to properly be friends with Wanna One. They're all so funny and outgoing. It'll be fun. Now come on, the others are waiting for us." I sighed but followed Jawahir outside.

I saw the my other members and  Wanna One talking, but one person stood out. Kim Jaehwan. I've known about him since before his debut and trainee time at Produce 101.

He would always play his music everyday at the same time on my way home when I was a trainee. His music made me move forward and debut. But after I did, I never saw him again. It wasn't a year later when I saw him on P101, that I began to feel happier.

'Okay (Y/N), I can impress him. I can do it.' I gave myself a Hwaiting sign and joined the others. Jisung went up the front with a piece of paper in his hand.

"Okay guys, our managers suggested that we play games to become closer. Since there's 5 girls and 11 boys, we'll be split into teams of 4 with 4 people. The first team is.. Jawahir, Guanlin, (Y/N) and Jaehwan."

My eyes lit up at the sound of being on the same team as Jaehwan. We all got together into our teams and the games started.

The first game was tug of war. I was at the beginning of the line and I felt a lot of pressure. Jaehwan noticed and smiled at me while he patted my back. "Don't worry (Y/N), you'll do great." I nodded and the game started. We started tugging and were close to winning until I tripped over my shoelace and caused the rest of my team to follow along with me.

The other team cheered while I held my ankle in pain. My teammates came over to me asking I was okay but I laughed it off. I got up, but felt a pang in my ankle. I shook it off and continued on with the games.

After we played a couple a games, everyone stopped for lunch. I sat away from the group and started icing my ankle. A few seconds later, i heard someone call my name. I put the ice away and looked at who called me.

I saw Jaehwan holding a first aid kit. I looked away as he sat down next to me. "I know you hurt your ankle. Let me take a look at it." He started bandaging my ankle as I stared at him. The face he makes when he's concentrating was cute.

Jaehwan noticed and looked down with a red face. "Do I have something on my face?" I shook my head and thanked him. Once he left, I hit my head in embarrassment.


All those events lead up to this moment right now. We were all by the fireplace eating s'mores as I kept on glancing at Jaehwan. As I started eating, Jaehwan picked up his guitar and smiled at the rest of us. " Let me sing a song to lighten up the mood." Everyone yelled in agreement as Jaehwan started singing Akdong Musician's "200%"

I smile and clapped along with everyone else as he finished. He stood up and made his way before me. He took my hand in his and smiled.

"(Y/N), I'm 200, 300, no 1000% sure that my feelings for you are love. Will you accept my feelings?" I let out tears of joy as I hugged him. Jaehwan laughed a bit and hugged me back. "I'm hoping that's a yes" I nodded which made him smiled even wider.

He then started singing my favourite verse of the song....

"It must be L-O-V-E, 200% sure of that"

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