Ong Sungwoo - I Need You

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I'm sorry if this isn't a fluffy imagine like the others. I kinda just felt that I should incorporate one heartbreaking imagine in. Don't worry, a fluffy Sungwoo imagine will be coming~

It's was past midnight. You kept calling Sungwoo but it kept going to voicemail. You were getting worried. It wasn't until you heard the door open and him stagger in. You sighed in relief until you saw who he was with. It was a girl. One that looked ten times prettier than you and with her arm around your boyfriend.

She looked at you and smiled. "Are you his sister? I just dropped him off. Things were getting really good too." She dumped him on the couch and turned to the door. "When he wakes up, tell him he know where to find him"

As she left you fell on the floor and burst into tears. Your eyes found their way to Sungwoo's, passed out on the couch. You could've done anything to him. You could've wrecked his car or embarrass him, but you didn't. You packed your things, left him a note and called a cab to take you to your friend's house.

~~~~ N E X T M O R N I N G~~~~
(Sungwoo's POV)
I woke up to see myself in my living room. My head was pounding as I held my head. "(Y/N) can you get me the painkillers? I think I got too drunk.." I heard no answer so I made my way to the kitchen. "(Y/N)? Are you here?...Guess not" I went to the fridge to get a water when I noticed a note on the fridge.

Dear Sungwoo,
I saw what happened last night. You came home with a girl and apparently had so much fun with her. I've forgiven you way to many times. But know I'm done. I stayed up last night to tell you....I'm moving. Out of the country for school. Not that you care. I shouldn't be with someone who makes me cry more than laugh. I left all the presents you gave me in your room. It's over. Goodbye.

I started crying and slide down to the floor. I started remembering bits and pieces of what happened last night. I got my phone and saw 29 missed calls from (Y/N). I hear a knock on the door and went up to go answer it. It was the girl from last night giving me a fake smile.

"Hey babe. Ready to continue what we left unfinished last night?" I just looked at her with disgust. "Listen, I don't remember you or what happened last night. I was drunk."

He leaned in closer. "I hate girls like you. Taking advantage of drunk guys just to make themselves feel better. Never come back here. Again" I slammed the door shut and looked around. "I need you (Y/N)..."

~~~~T I M E S K I P~~~~

(Your POV)
It's been 3 years since I've left Korea. I moved to Canada and got a job. I found another guy who in fact never hurted me once. He never drank alone and only had eyes for me. I was at my happiest until one day I heard a knock at my apartment.

I opened the door to see Sungwoo . I stared at him as he smiled at me. "Hey (Y/N)... it's been a while. How have you been?" I blinked a bit and nodded. "I've been well. Um...would you like to come in?" I gestured to my door and he nodded. "That would be great."

I felt my palms becoming sweaty as I looked at Sungwoo. "So, would you like anything? Water or juice?" He shook his head and patted the seat next to him. "I've been looking for you for the past 3 years. I've missed you (Y/N). I need you. I missed you. I'm so so so sorry. Words can't even describe how disgustsd I am at myself and how disappointed and mad you must be at me."

I smiled at Sungwoo. "I'm sorry Sungwoo . I'm...already in another relationship. One that I really love. I'm not sad and I've been so much happier than I was 3 years ago. If you really care about me, please let me go. Like how I did."

Sungwoo looked down for a bit but looked at me with a smile. "I will (Y/N). Thanks for letting me say what I want to say. That's what I'll always love about you." He got up and pointed to the door. "I'll let myself out. Thanks again". What I didn't know was that Sungwoo broke down in tears as soon as he closed my apartment door.

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