Ha Sungwoon - White Tshirt

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I got inspiration from Jonghyun's "White Tshirt"~ I highly suggest you listen to it and just SHINee's music in general. #Shawol


I felt my eyes become heavier and heavier as I tried to wake up. The rays of the sun were peeking through the curtains of my bedroom as I finally forced myself to wake up.

I sat up in bed and stretched for a bit before being reminded of the person beside me. I smiled as I looked over to see (Y/N), sleeping soundly as the sun shined on her radiant face.

I slightly chuckled as I was reminded of how she would always say that she's gaining weight or that she had terrible skin and needed to buy hundreds of different skin cleansers to make it better.

But I don't see that. I see a beautiful girl, who's kind and sweet and who always puts others in front of herself. I wouldn't care if she looked like a monster.. I still love her the way she is.

Memories of our relationship flood back to me; our first date and how she burped but I didn't care. Our first kiss, even though we had a veggie pizza with extra garlic. But I still didn't care. Countless movie nights that become sleepovers, lazy afternoon drives and staying up until 4 in the morning talking about whatever. And I didn't care. The day I met her parents and the day we decided to move into an apartment; one of the two most important days of my life. And one of the two most happiest.  I didn't care if I was tired or hurt. For some reason, when ever  (Y/N) is around, my body has a way of finding itself to her side.

The sun begins to shine brighter as I am finally able to see her figure clearly. She's the same since I've met her, and I like it that way. She still has a sparkle in her (E/C) eyes and a smile that will make a room stop and stare at her. Her ears that I whisper secrets and fantasies to all the time as she does the same. Her nose that I kiss everyday whenever she's  feeling sad or mad. Her hair that's styled the way she wants it. And I respect it and her even more.

I see the clothes she's wearing and smile wider. A white tshirt. She has a drawer dedicated to just that and I love it. For some reason, her clothes are so plain. No pop of colour or risks. Just casual and comfy. But when
(Y/N) wears them, she can be walking on a runway and make the cover of every fashion magazine.

She makes it work and I don't know what else to say about that.
I lie back down again and wrap my arms around her waist as I feel her starting to move. I see her finally wake up as she turns towards me, giving me that million dollar smile. Gosh, if looks could kill, she should be arrested for murder.

Everything in the room seems to stop as she finally speaks.

"Good morning... how was your sleep? Did you have a nice dream?"

I nodded as I caressed her face with my thumb. I smile like and idiot as I pull her closer to me. "Why are you so perfect? Are you a fallen angel from heaven? Tell me the truth?"

I hear her laugh; the laugh that sounds like the sweetest thing on Earth. She sits up in bed as she stretches her body. "I think you've gone crazy, oppa.."

I sit up along side with her and give her a passionate kiss. It felt like years since I've last done it even if it was last night. I pull away and lean my forehead against hers. "Yeah, I'm crazy... for you.. I'm crazy about the way you walk, the way you talk and who you are in generally. But lately.. I've been crazy about something else.."

She knitted her eyebrows in confusion as she looked away in thought. "What is it? My makeup? My new hair colour..?" I shook my head as I smiled as wide as I could..

"It's your white tshirt"

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