Ong Seongwoo - Hate Can Turn Back to Love

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This was requested by lilblanktae

[Seongwoo's POV]

I was in the van with the rest of the Wanna One members, after our last show at Music Bank.

Jihoon tapped my shoulder, which got my attention. "Say, hyung. What are you going to do for (Y/N) tonight? Isn't it your one year anniversary?" The others members chimed in as I smiled to myself.

"Don't worry. I have a surprise that will blow her mind. It's almost perfect." Our manager stopped the car in front of my apartment that I shared with
(Y/N) as I got out. I waved to the other members as I entered the house.

Once I got in, I noticed an extra pair of shoes. One that belonged to a man. The shoes were scattered across the floor. Before I could say anything, I heard sounds. The further I walked into my apartment, the louder the sounds became.

It was at its peak when I stopped in front of my bedroom that I shared with (Y/N). I opened the door to see her in bed with a guy I've never seen before. I dropped my bag on the floor and thand sound caused the two to look in my direction. (Y/N)'s face had guilt all over it as she pushed the man away from her.

"What's going on babe..? Is this your brother or something..?" I felt my blood boil as the man tried to hold
(Y/N). I grabbed him by his collar and kicked him out of the apartment. Before he could say any bring, I slammed the door in his face.

When I returned, (Y/N) was dressed and looking down on the floor. I tried to swallow the lump in my throat as I looked at her. "Why? Why would you cheat on me..? Especially in my own house!? Just!.. why....?"

(Y/N) looked up and sighed. "I'm sorry... I felt lonely since you were gone a lot so my friends decided to cheer me up. We went to a bar and I got a bit drunk and... you know the rest.."

I ran my fingers through my hair as I scoffed. "What kind of excuse is that?! What kind of friends are they that they won't stop from going home with another man!? I don't know if you're lying or not but that doesn't make any sense.."

I saw (Y/N)'s face become red, either from anger or the alcohol. "I said I was sorry!! It was a mistake, why can't you understand that!? And don't bring my friends into this! How about your members? When that model was hitting on you, why didn't they stop you, huh?"

I rolled my eyes "(Y/N), that's not the point! That wasn't my choice! My company needed me to do that shoot! This was your choice! It was your choice to get drunk and it was your choice to come home with another man! Do you really think sorry fixes everything? Do you really think I'll forgive you that easily after this?"

I saw (Y/N) biting her lip, trying to hold back tears. "Well it can if you just forget about it. It was one mistake! Why is that so hard for you to see?"

I nodded and grabbed my jacket. (Y/N) looked at me in confusion as I stepped back and gave her a velvet box which contained a necklace.  "Here, this was supposed to be your present for our first year anniversary, but keep it as a good bye gift. I'm done. Have a good life (Y/N)..." I walked out and slammed the door shut. I could hear her sobs as i walked away to the Wanna One dorm.

••••• 6 MONTHS LATER •••••


I walked around Seoul with a coffee in my hand. I looked at the TV's in shops and saw WannaOne having their comeback at some music show. I sighed as I saw Seongwoo smiling brightly like nothing ever happened. Like we never happened.

As I was leaving, I saw an ad the caught my eye.

<< The first 100 people who get the silver ticket in their Wanna One repackage album, will get a free ticket to a private fan meeting. Details on the ticket>>

I remember a couple of weeks back, I received a Wanna One repackaged album from the members that I haven't opened yet.

I ran back to my apartment that shared with my best friend and unlocked the door. "Where did I put it?" I starts disorganizing things, trying to find the album. Once I found it, I opened the package, only to see a silver ticket fall out of the album. I picked it up and read the ticket.

Congratulations! You are one of the 100 lucky fans that are invited to the private fan meeting at the Seoul Heights Hotel, this Saturday at 12:00 pm. Present your ticket for entrance.

I smiled to myself as I looked at the calendar. 'It's tomorrow..'. I spent the rest of the day preparing for the fanmeet.

The next day, I went to the hotel with my Album, ticket and a mask on. I showed the guards my ticket and walks into the room where the meeting would be held. I saw the members on their panels. I glanced over and saw Seongwoo talking to Daniel about something. I took a deep breath as I stood in line, waiting for my turn.

Once I got to Seongwoo, he smiled at me as I handed him my album. "What's your name?" I glanced around, contemplating on whether I should use my name or not. "Uhmm.. (Y/NN).."

Seongwoo raised his eyebrows but continued to sign the album. Before I left, I handed him a letter. "I just wanted to write down my apology. I'm sorry Seongwoo-ah.."

After I said that, Seongwoo's eyes widened as I left the venue. "(Y/N)...."
Seongwoo got up and ran after you, not caring about the calls from his members. He saw me and ran in front of me.

Before I could say anything, Seongwoo kissed me, becoming more passionate by each second as he hadn't heard or seen me in months. I broke the kiss after a while as we both smiled at each other.

"I'm sorry for everything. It's all my fault and these past months without you have driven me insane. I need you..."

Seongwoo nodded and pulled me into a hug. "I forgive you jagiya... I've missed you like crazy."

After a while, Seongwoo and I walked back into the venue so he could finish his fanmeet. Before he could walk in, he stopped me. "Do you want to come back to my apartment? It's becoming lonely..." I laughed a bit and nodded as I saw him walk back up to the panel with a big smile

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