Kang Daniel - Misunderstanding

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This one is for zhyhyun 
hope you like it ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

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Daniel and I were finally on a date, which were now becoming scarce ever since Daniel had been "busy" lately. The two of us were sitting in a cafe and I was talking to Daniel about a project that I had at school.

I looked up only to see his eyes glued to his phone and him laughing at whatever was on the screen. I got curious and leaned forward to try and take a glimpse of what he was reading.

"What are you looking at?" I watched as Daniel quickly put his phone aside and began to drink his coffee. "Nothing. Just forget about it. What were you saying again?"

I felt my heart break a bit but continued what I was saying earlier. The two of us finished our drinks and headed straight home. I felt a bit disappointed that we didn't do much.

In the peak of our relationship, Daniel and I would stay out for hours and refused to go back home. Nowadays, we barely talk to each other. It's like I was dating a ghost.

Daniel threw his wallet and phone on the bed we shared and grabbed his towel. "I'm going to take a quick shower and head to the practice room. We have a comeback soon."

Before a word could leave my mouth, the door shut closed leaving me alone in our bedroom. My cheeks soon became stained with my tears as I silently cried on our bed, hoping that Daniel would come out and console me.

But once I heard the water start in the bathtub, I knew that was impossible. I quickly wiped my tears and was about to head to the kitchen to make myself a snack when I heard a ring.

I turned towards our bed and saw Daniel's phone ringing. After picking the phone up, I noticed that is wasn't a number that I recognized. Curious, I pressed the answer button only to be greeted by a female voice.

"Baby~ when are you coming over? It's been weeks since I've seen you? Don't you miss me?"

At that moment, I heard the bathroom door open to see Daniel fully clothed and ready to leave. He saw me on his phone and rushed over to my side to take it out of my hand. He ended the call and threw the phone aside.

"Y/N, what the hell do you think you're doing? You know I don't like people touching my phone." I felt my heart break, but I stood my ground. "Who was that girl? Why did she ask about when you were coming? You're not cheating on me...are you?"

I heard Daniel scoff as he ran his fingers through his hair out of frustration. "So what? You think I'm cheating on you? Our whole relationship is built on trust, Y/N! How can I trust you when you do this behind my back?"

He gestured his phone that was thrown aside, most likely talking about me picking up his phone. I felt tears brim my eyes. "How about you!? You're the one who has another girl waiting for you? If you didn't love me, why did you stay?"

Daniel shook his head, his face red with anger. "Maybe I should! There's plenty of girls in the world who would appreciate me more than you ever did!" I watch him glance at the time and quickly gather his things. "I don't have time for this. I'm late for practice."

And with that, he slammed the door of our apartment shut and left me alone in it. All the emotions that I had bottled up were slowly let out. After hours of crying, I decided I had had enough.
I grabbed my suitcase and packed any personal belongings I had.

Once I finished, I grabbed my phone and called my best friend. I listened to the ring, waiting for the other side of the line to pick up. Once it did, I heard my friend's tired voice.

"Y/N, it's midnight. Why are you calling me?" I felt bad for waking her up, but at that point I had no other option. "Hey Jawahir, do you think you can pick me up. I..had a big fight with Daniel and I think it's...over between us."

There was a silence on the line until I heard Jawahir's voice again. "I'm on my way. Whatever this idiot did to you, he's going to pay big time." I smiled at her comment, and headed to the lobby of my apartment.

A few minutes later, Jawahir's car pulled up to the front and Jawahir got out with her onesie on.

I laughed at the sights as she hit me on the arm. I groaned but she simply stuck her tongue out at me. "That's what you get for waking me up." She helped me put my things in her car and we both started driving to her place.

"So, wanna fill me in on what this asshole did to you?" I sighed and leaned my head back in the passenger seat. "It's a long story...."

~~ T I M E S K I P ~~

5 months has passed since I saw Daniel again. I watched the group stay active through comebacks, but I noticed how Daniel wasn't his bright self anymore.  I told Jawahir what had happened the night it did and she agreed to let me sleep on her couch. I got a job to help pay rent and the two of us are able to drive to school together.

Life seemed to be perfect, but there was still a type of emptiness in me that couldn't be filled no matter what. I wanted sitting at home alone while Jawahir was still at school when all of a sudden I heard someone banging on the door.

Scared, I grabbed and umbrella and tiptoed to the peephole. Once I looked through, I saw a sweaty Daniel, desperately wanting someone to open the door. I pondered over what to do, but finally opened the door to see him .

The two of us stared at each other for what felt like an eternity, but it was broke soon after when Daniel pulled me into a deep embrace. At that moment, I felt happy again, but memories of that night came back to haunt me. I pushed Daniel away and kept my distance.

He looked hurt at my sudden actions. "Y/N, I've been looking for you for the longest time. Why did you leave?" I scoffed as I just glared at the boy. "You seriously don't know? You're one who told me to leave after you said those hurtful things to me. Besides, why do you want me? Go back to that girl!"

Daniel looked at me confused but then burst out laughing. I looked at him, confused about why he suddenly laughed. 'Was it something I said?' Daniel began to walk closer to me, while I walked backwards, still trying to keep my distance.

It didn't last long until he had me cornered against a wall, his two broad arms at either side of my body to prevent me from escaping. "Listen to me Y/N. That girl who talked to you that night, I don't know her. She dialled the wrong number and apologized. I realized what I did was wrong too so I ran home after practice but I couldn't find you. You left no trace of yourself."

I looked down to avoid his piercing face and played with my fingers in hopes to calm my racing heart. "How about when you were treating me so coldly for those couple of weeks? You were so protective of your phone and got mad whenever I touched it. You didn't think that I would be hurt too?"

Daniel used his index finger to lift my chin up so that our eyes would meet. He softly smiled and began to pat my head. "You wanna know why I was so protective of it?" I nodded my head as he fished his phone out of his pocket.

He scrolled through his photo gallery to show me a picture; it was his and Wanna One, along with many Wannables at a recent concert. The fans all had boards that read
"Happy Four Year Anniversary, Daniel and Y/N" all together.

My eyes widened in shock as I saw Daniel meekly smile. "I was trying to prepare a surprise for our anniversary. You have been there before anyone else and I wanted my fans to love and accept you like how I did. You're not mad, are you?"

I shook my head and gave Daniel a tight hug, tears falling down my face. "Now I feel bad. I forgot all about our anniversary and now I don't have anything to give you" after we pulled away from each other, Daniel cupped my face in his large hands.

"You coming home with me is enough. So what do you say princess? Can you come back home?" I just smiled like an idiot and nodded as Daniel planted a kiss on my cheek.

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