Park Jihoon - The Flirt

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This was requested by NhiaVang5

I was on my way to school, with my earbuds in playing my music, when I heard the sound of footsteps

I turned around and saw my best friend, Jawahir, with a piece of paper in her hand.

I looked at at her in surprise as she stopped in front of me, gasping for air. "Go to the gym once in a while. It wouldn't kill you.." Jawahir laughed as she slightly punched my arm. "Yah, don't say that. If I were you, I would be nice to me. Especially when I got these..".

I saw the papers in her hand and smiled widely when I read them. "They chose me for the interview! I get to interview BTS!!?" Jawahir nodded as we both walked to school, talking about what to ask and what to wear.

Once we got to campus, I saw a crowd of girls at the other end of campus, staring at a bunch of boys. It wasn't a few moments later when I heard Jawahir scoff. "Why do they think they own the place? And what kind of group name is Wanna One? It's not even cool.."

I glanced over at the entrance of the school and saw 'Wanna One' covering the entrance. Jawahir and I walked over and tried to enter. "Can you move? Can't you see that (Y/N) and I need to get class? Why don't you do the same?"

One of the members, Guanlin just smirked as he stood up. "How about you give us a little prize and we'll move?" Jawahir smirked back and pushed Guanlin away. "How about no? Come on (Y/N), we'll be late for class."

I nodded but as I walking through the entrance, one of their members, Jihoon
stood in front of me. He smiled as he glanced at me up and down. "You know (Y/N), you're really pretty. In fact, I think you stamped me in your heart.."

I slightly blushed as I continued to walk into the school with Jawahir. As we were walking in the hallways, Jawahir looked at me weirdly. "Don't tell me that Jihoon made your heart flutter? I don't want you getting hurt (Y/N)" I shook my head as we got to class.

A couple of weeks had pay, but Jihoon was still acting strange. This morning, he walked me all the to class. To be honest, my heartbeat was extremely fast, but I forgot about it.

I broke away from Jihoon to go to my seat next to Jawahir and Jihoon went to his friends.

Once I sat down, Jawahir leaned in as she glanced around. "(Y/N), I'm going to be honest. Why is Jihoon flirting with you? I don't know if you haven't noticed all the glares from his fangirls.."

I looked around and saw some girls sending glares at me as I looked back at Jawahir. " I don't know either. But I think he's getting to me.

We both looked to the door and saw Jihoon with Guanlin. He smiled over at us and went to his desk. Jawahir hit my shoulder. "He likes you. I think?" I just sighed as the teacher walked in.

As the lunch bell rang, I decided to take a walk. As I walked through the corridors of the school, I heard someone following me. I turned around and saw Jihoon with a box of chocolates in his hand.

I looked over at Jihoon and sighed. "I'm sorry Jihoon, but.... could you stoop flirting with me? You're leading me in and it makes me feel... I don't know how to explain it but I feel like crap. So please, just leave me alone"."

Jihoon smiled and stepped closer.
"(Y/N). I really genuinely like you. I do. And this isn't a joke. Hopefully those feelings you have towards me are live as well." He leaned in and kissed me in my cheeks as he handed me the box.

I faltered a bit as I opened the box. I gasped as I saw the content in it; my favourite chocolate, plush and a confession note.

I smiled as I looked down the hallway to see Jihoon still walking to class. I ran up after him and grabbed his collar as I pulled him into a kiss.

After a while, I broke the kiss. Jihoon layed his forehead on mine. "So, what are we now?" Jihoon smiled as he grabbed my hand. "Whatever you like. But I prefer a couple.."

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