Lee Daewhi - Love Trouble

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This one is for jigglypuffhoonxx
hope you like it ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

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Love. It has to be fake. There is no such thing as true love...

My name is Choi Somi and I've been in 8 relationships. There is one thing that is common in every single one of those relationships; my heart was brutally broken.

5 times was through cheating, 2 times was just to impress another girl and the last time was to only use me. After my experiences, I chose to never go on any date again and to just be by myself. Even though my sisters tried to convince me to go back out and date, I refused.  That was until...


I walked on to campus like any other day. Even though I had my headphones on, I could still hear the whispers and murmurs from all the other students.

"Omg there's Choi Somi!"
"Wait, the one who's heart has been broken 8 times? How can she still have the confidence to show her face?"
"I heard she vowed to stay single for the rest of her life. Poor her."
"Someone as pretty as her shouldn't be alone. But she always refuses to talk to anyone."

Their word echoed in my head but I ignored them as I walked to my lecture. I sat at the furthest corner seat like always. Most of the class was up in the front so no one tries to bother me. The professor finally walked in with a boy I had never seen before.

He had the biggest smile on his face and had the aura of a child. All the girls payed attention to the new boy very quickly as the professor began to speak.

"Even though we rarely have events like this, especially in the middle of a semester, we have a student who has decided to switch classes. Please introduce yourself." The boy nodded as he waved to the class.

"My name is Lee Daehwi. It's nice to meet you all. Even thought its late, I hope we can be good friends fast!" The whole class applauded and began to welcome him as I continued to stare off into space. The teacher settled the class down and started to prepare for his lecture.

I watched as Daehwi looked for a seat with many girls offering the seats beside them. He politely refused and the two of us made eye contact. I looked away but a few moments later, I heard the chair beside me move. I turned to see Daehwi sitting beside me.

He smiled widely at me and began to heard the whispers again. I ignored them all as the professor began to teach.

Throughout the lecture, I kept hearing Daehwi trying to get my attention, but I ignored him. Soon, a note fell on top of my work. I looked at Daehwi and he signalled me to open it. Frustrated, I opened the letter to see a small handwritten message.

Hi! My name is Daehwi, but I'm sure you already know that. What's your name?

I just wrote down my name and gave him back the note. As I continued to focus on the lecture, another note fell on top of my work. I opened it again to see what he had written.

You have a pretty name! Just like you :) Wanna go to the school cafe for lunch? My treat!

I saw the teacher end his lecture and students begin to file out of the room. I gave Daehwi his note back and packed my things. As I was leaving, I heard his footsteps behind me. By that point, I had had enough. I turned around only to be greeted by a wide smile on his face that didn't seem to be going away.

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