Yoon Jisung - Fallen Angel

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It wasn't until..

I bumped into a boy, spilling my red solo cup filled with red punch on his fresh white shirt. I gasped as I looked up and saw the boy glaring at me in anger.

"Yah! My shirt! I was supposed to be an angel.. how am I supposed to be an angel with a red stain the middle of my shirt?!" I nervously laughed as I stepped back.

"Well, maybe you could be a hurt angel..? Or an angel that's been stabbed?" The boy's glare grew more intense as he stepped forward. I walked back in panic but he kept walking towards me before he had me cornered into a wall.

I felt his face come closer, only inches away from mine when he finally spoke again. "I can't be a proper angel now.. so you're going to help me get a new costume for then costume contest. I'm registered in it and I want to win the grand prize.. so don't you think it's fair for you to help me?"

I nodded in embarrassment as the boy slightly smirked. He put his hand out and stared at me. "I'm Jisung.. what's your name, Ms. Vampire?" I felt my stomach become a bit lighter as I returned his handshake. "Oh.. my name is (Y/N). I'm really sorry about the whole punch thing.."

He smiled as he wrapped his arms around my shoulder and started leading me up the stairs. "It's Fine.. things happen.. besides I didn't really like the concept of an angel.. too plain.. I need something more.. edgy?"

I laughed a bit at his uncertainty when we finally entered what looked like to be a teenage boy's room. "Is this your room?" I ask out of curiosity as Jisung shook his head. "It's my friend's house. I come over a lot so I know this place like the back of my hand. Now, let's raid his closet to see if he's got any clothes.."

For the next half hour, we spent the entire time joking around, laughing at cheesy Halloween pick up lines and having him try on clothes for the contest.

Finally, we found nothing as we heard someone announced that the contest would be starting soon.
Jisung sighed as he sat down on the bed. He took of the wings that came with his outfit and threw them aside as I sat down next to him.

"I guess I can forget about the contest.. it's hopeless now..". I looked at the wings for a while before smiling at an idea that came to mind. I grabbed the wings and started slightly breaking it, tearing holes into it.

Jisung looked at me confused, as I picked up the wings and handed it to him. "I have an idea for your costume..."


"And the winner for the costume contest is... Jisung, for his originality with his Fallen Angel Costume!!"

I clapped along with everyone else as Jisung went to go retrieve his prize. He came back and smiled as I eyed his costume again. "Thanks (Y/N).. without your quick thinking, I would've lost for sure.. but why fallen angel?"

I slight blushed as I scratched the back of my neck in embarrassment. "Well... a fallen angel is a rebellious angel that's been kicked out of heaven... I guess you use what you get huh?"

Jisung smiled a bit wider as he pretended to look hurt. "Yah, I'm not mean..." I laughed as I nodded. "Yes you are! When you glared at me, I was very scared!" Jisung stepped a bit closer as he held out his prize.

"Well, how about I treat you to dinner with the prize money I got? I'll show you that not only am I not mean, but.."
Jisung held out his arm for me

"I am also a gentleman.. even fallen angels have reasons to be a bit mean.."

𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now