Kim Jaehwan - Fake Love?

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Back to requests after a long time~ This one is for woahyukhei- I hope you like it ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

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I stared at him, my stomach turning into knots as he simply stared back. Neither of us made a sound. It was so quiet, that the evening breeze on our school's rooftop was the only thing heard.

'This wasn't supposed to happen.'


I was walking to school and being my cheerful self, I was having small conservation with many of my schoolmates.

That's just me; I'm naturally talkative. I walked into the school and was greeted by many of my classmates. The minute stepped into my classroom, my eyes lit up as I saw him, sleeping on his desk.

Kim Jaehwan

We've known of each other since middle school since we coincidentally always seat partners in the same classes.

At first, I thought of him as someone who was just weird, but after seeing him help so many people in his free time, my thoughts about him drastically changed. Before I knew it, I began to fall for him.

I headed towards my seat next to his and plopped myself down. A mischievous grin made its way on my face as I leaned forward. "Hey Jaehwannie!!!"

I laughed a bit as I saw him get startled. He just groaned and laid his head back on his desk. "Y/N! I was in the middle of a good dream. I was performing for hundreds of people."

I smiled as I leaned back in my chair, watching him slowly began to regain his consciousness. "Even though I support your dream, I think you need to be awake to accomplish it."

The teacher entered the classroom and the class president signalled everyone to stand up and bow. After we bowed, I leaned close to Jaehwan. "Hey, I need to tell you something.."

Jaehwan looked at me strangely, but then turned his attention back to the teacher, who was writing important dates on the board. "What? Make it quick?"

I heard the slight annoyance in his voice but ignored it. I leaned closer to him and cupped my hands around his ear so only he would hear.

"I like you."

After my confession, I saw Jaehwan slowly turn his attention to me, unfazed about what I said. "Y/N, this is the.." He opened a notepad and put down a tally on a page before counting them all up. "512 time that you've confessed to me. When are you going to let this joke die?"

I felt a pang in my heart, but just brightly smiled. "Never!" I took out my work and began to write what the teacher was putting on the board, trying to forget about my daily rejection.

The final bell rang and just as I was about to leave, Jaehwan slightly knocked my desk, to get my attention. He pointed at his watch as I stared back in confusion.

I heard a sigh leave his lips. "Y/N, as a member of the Guitar Club, you do realize that we have practice right now"
I meekly nodded and let out a nervous laugh before following him to the music room.

Many hours last but I was still making no progress. I saw Jaehwan was getting extremely frustrated. "If you can't even play a simple song on the guitar, why did you join the Guitar club?"

I just glared at him. "Because you can't call it a club if only one person is in it. But seeing as you do so well by yourself, I'll just leave." I handed Jaehwan his guitar and stormed out of the room.

I couldn't think straight due to the anger and annoyance I was feeling but on the end, I found myself at the school's rooftop. I walked towards the railing and saw the sun setting as the moon was peaking up over the buildings.

Without knowing, tears began to roll down my face. As I worked them away, I heard a soft voice beside me.

"I'm sorry."

I turned around and saw Jaehwan. He was standing next to me, staring out at the horizon. I wiped my tears and started to walk away when I felt him grab wrist. "Y/N, I didn't mean to make you mad. Can't we call it even? I mean, you prank me everyday, saying how you lik—."

Before he could finish his sentence, I cut him off. "I like you! I really like you... all those times I said it as a "prank", those we real too." I saw his eyes become bigger in shock as I let it a shaky breath.

"I was afraid of rejection because it just happens so often. But even though I'm scared, I still needed to tell you." I looked up to see Jaehwan looking down . Confused, I walked closer only to see him smiling.

"Jaehwan.. are you okay?" He remained quiet for a while but I was able to hear him mutter "514" under his breath. I looked at him strangely. "What? What about 514?"

Without warning, I felt two arms around my waist as Jaehwan buried his face into the nape of my neck. "The amount of times you've said "I like you" is 514." Jaehwan slowly lifted his head and cupped my cheeks in his hand.

He leaned in and planted a kiss on my forehead. I was in shock to comprehend what was happening as I saw Jaehwan simply smiling at me. "But more importantly, the times my heart fluttered because of you is 514"

I stared at him, my stomach turning into knots as he simply stared back. Neither of us made a sound. It was so quiet, that the evening breeze on our school's rooftop was the only thing heard.

'This wasn't supposed to happen.'

A smile made its way into my face as I pulled him closer for another hug.

"But I'm glad it did"

𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now