Lai Guanlin - Why so Cold? [Part Two]

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This is Part two of a request I had earlier.

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It was the start of a brand new year. I was able to walk up to the fourth floor of my school's building as I had finally become a senior. Though it seemed long, high school went by fast.

I was walking through the halls of the fourth floor when I felt someone tap me to get my attention. I looked over my shoulder and a smile made its way to my face when I saw the familiar figure.

"Jawahir! I haven't seen you since after exams!" I pulled my friend into s right hug and felt her hug me back. We broke the hug and continued to walk down the hallway, trying to find our classes.

"How was your trip to Australia? Did you see any cute boys?" I watched as Jawahir grinned ear to ear. "I had a lot of fun. I actually ran into a boy who transferred as a sophomore here."

I nodded as the two of us stopped in front of the same class. I looked at her class schedule and grinned. "We're in the same homeroom again!" We walked into the classroom and chose our spots before anyone else could come.

As we settled down, I became a bit more curious about Jawahir's new friend. "So what's the boy's name?" Jawahir leaned back in her chair and smiled. "His name is Lee Felix and I was just about to go see him in the sophomore floor. Wanna come?"
Before I could agree, I suddenly had thoughts about Guanlin.

'He's going to be there... so I wanna risk embarrassment on the first day of being a senior?'

Jawahir saw the look on my face and began to comfort me. "Listen, we won't even look at that stuck up 후배. If he even looks in our direction, just act like you don't know him."

I was hesitant, but nodded. This stupid crush needed to go away and following Jawahir's advice may be the only way. The two of us made our way to the second floor and saw the hallways filled with sophomores. They all moved out of the way and bowed to us in respect as we did the same.

Jawahir looked around until her eyes landed on a figure I had never see before. She yelled the boy's name out and he turned around. Once we next to him, I realized someone familiar next to him; Lee Daehwi. Jawahir and Felix began to talk to each other as I started to talk with Daehwi.

"Oh! Amai 선배님! It's been awhile. How have you been?" I smiled as I ruffled Daehwi's hair. "It was good. Sorry I didn't keep in touch with you. I forgot to ask for you contact information on the last day of exams." The boy shook his head and handed me his phone.

"It's fine. Just do it now! And you better not forget me when you head to a big university with older guys." I laughed a bit as I started to type in my info in his phone. Just as I was almost done, I saw Daehwi waving at someone. I turned around and felt my heart drop as the wide smile on my face slowly faded.

Lai Guanlin was walking towards our group, the same stoic expression on his face. I quickly remembered Jawahir's advice and ignored him. Once I gave Daehwi's phone back to him, he was already beside him. Daehwi nudged him and pointed at me. "Yah, say hi to Amai 선배!"

Before a word could exit his mouth, I stopped him. "It's fine Daehwi, I got to go anyway." I turned around and tapped Jawahir to get her attention when I heard a elegant voice call the two of us.

We both turned our heads and saw it fellow classmate, Yeh Shuhua. She smiled at us sweetly as we returned it. "Yah, why aren't you guys coming upstairs yet? You don't want to be scolded on the first day, do you?"

The three of us laughed as Jawahir said goodbye to Felix. I turned to say goodbye to Daehwi when I saw something that I had never seen before; Lai Guanlin was smiling.

I followed the path of his gaze and it landed on Shuhua. I felt my heart break even more as I left without saying a word, leaving Shuhua and Jawahir with the other three boys.

I made my way to class and sat down in my seat. Jawahir and Shuhua soon cane after and asked if I was okay, however I refused to talk to anyone today.

I continued to ignore everyone until the end of the school day. Once the final bell rang, I grabbed my things and waited outside the school gates for Guanlin . Once I saw him walking out with his headphones jammed in his ears, I walked towards him.

"Yah Lai Guanlin. We need to talk." I saw a look of annoyance on his face but I kept my ground. "I mean it. Follow me now!" I said, my voice low and filled with anger. Guanlin seemed confused about my sudden behaviour but followed me to the bleachers.  There was no sports teams out so it was completely quiet.

I watched as he sat there, bored out of his mind. I cleared my throat to get his attention and began to speak. "I know your secret. You like Shuhua... a lot. She's the only one who can make you smile."

Guanlin's eyes widened as he stood up in anger. "So what, you're going to blackmail me? How low can you possiblly go!?" I felt as if there was something stuck in the back of my throat because I couldn't speak when he started to yell at me. I just shook my head.

" I don't want to blackmail you. But I do have a small request." Guanlin looked at me strangely as I continued to speak. "Please go out on one date with me. After that, I will completely forget about my feelings for you and you can pursue Shuhua. What do you say?"

I watched as the boy in front me me pondered over my deal for a few moments, but in the end he finally agreed to go out on a date with me. I smiled, my heart feeling a bit lighter. He held out his hand for me and looked away. "Let's get this over with."

I blushed a bit as I took his hand and we walked off of campus. We headed to the nearest arcade and decided to play. We spent hours trying to beat each other, betting silly things on each game. I couldn't believe it, but that was the day I heard Guanlin laugh for the first time. We ended up going into a photo booth, leaving with two copies of the photos we took.

It was getting late and the two of us decided to get dinner. We sat down in the diner that Guanlin had found a d started to look through the menu. I found what I was going to order and looked up to ask Guanlin when I noticed he was staring at someone outside.

I followed his gaze again and saw Shuhua standing at the bus stop adjacent from us, all alone. I saw that Guanlin was tempted to go to her, but he had promised to also finish his date with me. I decided that I was satisfied and knocked on the table to get his attention.

He looked at me as I pointed outside. "Go get her. This is your chance!" Guanlin hesitated but after convincing him I was okay, I saw him grab his things. Before he was out the door, I called his name. He looked back, worried he was going to miss his chance.

"Just be kinder to me at school. I'm still your 선배!" I saw him smile at me as he ran out the door. I realized that it wasn't the same smile he gave to Shuhua. I looked out the window and saw the two getting in the bus and sitting next to each other.

So many thoughts were running around my head when they were suddenly interrupted by the waitress. "Ma'am, are you ready to order?"

I put all my feelings aside and nodded at the female in front of me. "I'll take the largest chocolate milkshake you have." The waitress wrote it down and left me alone. I fished my copy of the photos Guanlin and I took and realized how harsh love was; especially when the person you love doesn't love you back.

𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now