Yoon Jisung - Birthday

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This was requested by DaphneMuldoon

I sighed as I checked the time. 10 pm. Four hours have gone by and no sign of my boyfriend. I was still siting at our reserved table, waiting for Jisung.

I took a deep breath and forced a smile"Its okay.. he's probably stuck in traffic or at work. But if he was he would sent a text."

I took out my phone and saw no new notifications from Jisung. After a while,  a waitress walked over and gave me a smile. "I'm sorry miss, but if your not going to order, I'm afraid I need to ask you to leave."

I held back my tears as I nodded. I grabbed my things as made my way outside. As I was walking to my car, I saw lightening in the distance.

I looked up at the sky to just to see more rain pouring down as hard as hail. I ran to my car and sighed as I sat down in the driver's seat I sat down and cried until I was too tired. I opened my phone and still saw no new messages from Jisung.

I felt my blood boil as I started my car. "Aish... Yoon Jisung, you better be ready.. you're dead when I see you.."

As I got home, I saw my door unlocked. In defence , I grabbed my keys and entered the house. "Great, I get stood up and someone breaks into my house. What a great birthday..."

Before I could say anything, the lights were turned on to reveal Jisung along with the rest of the Wanna One members. They were all in festive accessories and party hats as Jisung walked forwards with a birthday cake.

"Happy birthday, Jagiya~" I smiled and I leaned in to blow the candles. Once all the candles were put out, everyone clapped. I looked at Jisung. "Why'd you through me a party when you had reservations at a restaurant?"

Jisung smiled and put the cake aside. "Remember, on your 16th birthday. It was your birthday wish..."

I was walking to the rooftop after I got a note from Jisung. Once I was reached the roof, I saw Jisung holding a cupcake with a candle lit.

"Happy 16th birthday, (Y/N)! Make a wish!" I smiled brightly as i blew out the candles.

As we were eating the cake, Jisung looked over at me. "What did you wish for?" I laughed a bit as I at the last bit of cake. "I can't say. It won't come true then.."

Jisung chucked and laid back. "I'll make it come true for you. Just tell me."

I laid back as well and stared at the sky. "I wished for a birthday party on my birthday. I've never been able to have one and I'm sure I won't be able to have one in the future. I want a big birthday party with my friends there. Just having fun. Can you make it come true?"

Jisung smiled and ruffled my hair. "Yah, I'm Yoon Jisung. Of course I'll  make it come true.."


I smiled at the cake and gave Jisung a kiss. "I knew I made the right choice
To date you. Thank your for this... it means a lot. Now let's party!" Everyone cheered as the the night started.

Halfway through the party, I remembered the four hours I spent waiting. I went over to Jisung and hit his arm. He winced in pain as I glared at him.

"Yah, why'd you make me wait in a restaurant for four hours?" Jisung rose his eyebrows in confusion as he looked at Daniel. "Did you write exactly what I said in the letter?" Daniel nervously laughed as Jisung got up and started chasing him.

"Yah Kang Daniel! How dare you make my girlfriend wait by herself for four hours!" I laughed to myself as I looked at Jisung. "I must be the luckiest girl on earth right now..."

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