Bae Jinyoung - Pirate

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It wasn't until..

Jawahir pulled me to a group of 11 boys. I smiled nervously to them as I turned back to Jawahir. "What are we doing?" Jawahir smiled as she held up a bottle. "We're playing Truth or Dare: Jawahir edition.."

My eyes widened "What?! What do you mean Truth or Dare!? I didn't sign up for this!"Jawahir playfully rolled her eyes she pulled me down to sit.

"(Y/N), I don't have time to argue. You'll keep the boys waiting. Now smile! Who knows what will happen~"

I sighed as I sat myself down beside a boy who was dressed like a werewolf and one dressed like a prince. I looked at all the boys costume when one caught my eye. A boy dressed in a puffy white shirt and black leather pants with a pirate's hat and white eyepatch. He seemed as uncomfortable as me just as the game started. He seemed to have noticed me as he looked down nervously.

I looked at the boy with a smile as he returned it. After a while, we the Truths were becoming more scandalous and the dates were getting out of control.

I just laughed at the boys, glad that the bottle hadn't landed on me yet. Finally, the pirate boy was given the bottle. He took a deep breath in as he spun the bottle. It spun around for what felt like hours when it finally came to a stop as me. My eyes widened again as everyone hollered. "Woo Jinyoung! Go (Y/N)!"

I slightly blushed as Jinyoung looked at me. He gave me an innocent smile as he asked his question. "(Y/N)... Truth or dare?" I thought for a while and said Dare. Jinyoung smiled widely as he stood up. I looked at him in confusion as he said his Dare. "I dare you to come with me right now.."

I looked at Jinyoung in confusion but nodded as I followed him out of the room, the hollers still being heard. We made our way to an empty balcony on the upper floors as I looked over at Jinyoung.

"Why did you want me to follow you..?" Jinyoung smiled as he fidgeted with his fingers. "Well... I wanted to ask you something important but I didn't want my friends there to make me feel more nervous than I am right now.." I blushed again as I let him continue.

"To be honest, I've always had an eye for you... you were always so kind and gentle and sweet that it's kind of hard to not fall for you.. and then I heard a rumour.."

I looked at him in confusion. "What rumour? Is it bad? Did someone lie about me?" Jinyoung shook his head as he stepped closer to me. "That you were a cold, ice princess. You never talk to anyone other than Jawahir. But I knew they were wrong from the beginning. Because you're the warmest person I've ever seen.."

I blushed a bit as I looked down in embarrassment . "Thank you. That's actually the sweetest thing I've heard my entire life."  Jinyoung smiled as he held my hand. "So , I was wondering if you weren't busy, we could hang out some time in the future? When our friends aren't playing Truth or Dare?"

I nodded as I held his hand tight in mine. "I'd love to hang out with you.. i guess I'll be the first person to hang out with a a soft-hearted pirate.."

Jinyoung laughed as he held his arm out as an escort. "Shall we go mi'lady? Are will ye walk the plank?" I laughed as I wrapped my arms around his as we went back to continue the game.

𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt