Lee Daehwi - I Like You..

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This is a request for jimins_secret_jams Hope you like it~

I was on my way to school when I heard the sound of footsteps and the faint sound of someone calling my bame. I turned around and saw Jihoon running towards me. I smiled and waved at him. He smiled widely and waved back at me. Once he caught up to me, he just stared at me.

I looked at him funny and when he wouldn't stop, I flicked his forehead. He groaned in pain but I laughed a bit. "Hasn't anyone told you it's rude to stare?" Jihoon nodded but just smiled back. "I wasn't staring. I stamped you in my heart. Jeojang!" He made his usual stamp movements and I just rolled my eyes.

"Apparently I'm stamped in your heart every day." We laughed and talked until we got to the school gates. I looked over and saw Daehwi in his usual spot. I smiled to myself but it faded quickly so no one would notice.

But Jihoon did. He glanced over in Daehwi's direction and saw him looking at two of us. Jihoon smiled and jumped in front of me. I stepped back in shock but smiled since Jihoon did play pranks a lot on me. "Alexis, let's head to class early!" He grabbed my hand and dragged me to our class.

I didn't know why Jihoon was acting strange but I just played along with it. As we made it in class, my other friend Jawahir waved at the two of us. I broke away from Jihoon to go to my seat next to her and Jihoon went to his friends at the back.

As soon as I sat down, Jawahir leaned closer to say something "So Alexis, did you see Daehwi again? When are you going to talk to him." I just sighed and looked at her. "Yeah I saw him and soon. I hope.."

We both looked to the door and saw Daehwi walk in with Jinyoung. He smiled over at me and went to his desk. Jawahir hit my shoulder and smirked. "He likes you. I have a feeling. And my feelings are never wrong." I smiled brightly and was about to answer when the teacher walked in.


(Narrator POV)
As soon as the break bell rang, Jihoon made his way over to Daehwi. "School courtyard. Now." Daehwi looked at him in confusion but just followed. Alexis saw the two boys leave together and followed them with Jawahir.

Once the two boys made it to the courtyard, Jihoon pushed Daehwi's shoulder. "Yah, stop looking at Alexis. She's mine. I've liked her and known her for way longer than you have so just stop it. " Daehwi just laughed and pushed Jihoon's shoulder back. "Sure you've known her longer, but I've liked her way longer than you have. And I'm sure she likes me to."

Jihoon couldn't control himself and punched Daehwi. In a matter of minutes a flight broke out between the two. Alexis and Jawahir stared at each other before Alexis went to go break up the fight.


"Stop it!" Daehwi and Jihoon looked in my direction. They let go of each other and stared at me. "Why are you two even fighting!?" Jihoon glared at Daehwi. "He likes you Alexis. But I've liked you longer. I deserve to be with you." Daehwi shook his head and glared back. "I've liked you longer Alexis."

They continued to bicker but I had enough. "Stop! Has anyone ever asked me who I liked? No! So this is just a childish fight with no answer!"
The two boys put their heads down and nodded.

I looked over at Jihoon and sighed. "I'm sorry Jihoon, but.... I like Daehwi. I always have.. I'm sorry". Jihoon felt a wave of sadness rush through him but nodded. "If that's who you pick, then I'm fine with it. Just know I'm still stamped in your heart."

I smiled as I gave him a kiss on his cheek. He smiled and with the help of Jawahir, went on his way to the infirmary. As we were left alone, I glanced Over at Daehwi. He smiled and walked towards me slowly. Before He could say anything, I kissed his lips quickly and smiled. Daehwi smirked and Pulled me into a longer and passionate kiss.

When we broke the kiss, he layed his forehead on mine. "So, what are we now?" I smiled as i wrapped his arm around my neck and supported him. "Were a couple, if that's okay?" Daehwi nodded "That's all I've ever wanted." We smiled brightly at one another as I helped him up to the infirmary

Here it is! I hope you liked it Alexis~

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