Lai Guanlin - Private Detective

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My life was completely normal. I was nothing out of the ordinary. I wake up everyday at the same time, I go to work in the same style of clothing and I come back home at the same time after a long day of work.

No one would ever think that I would do something like what I was accused of...

It happened on my way to work. I was about to get in to my car when two men came over to me. "Excuse me, are you Miss (Y/N) (L/N)?" I slowly nodded my head, confused on why the would be asking for me. In less the a second, they grabbed me and started dragging me to their car. I could hear one of the men talking into an earpiece stating that he got me

"Wait, what's going on? What happened?" I kept asking questions but I didn't get any answers. It wasn't until they put handcuffs on my and sat me down in the backseat "(Y/N) (L/N), you are under arrest for murder.."

My eyes widened. I felt the car zoom through the streets at high speed but I could feel everything moving slow. We arrived at the police station and they handed me a pair of sunglasses and a mask. "No one is allowed to know who you are until we release it to the public. Wear these"

I just nodded, not wanting to get in any more trouble than I had already been put in. Through the tinted glass of the car, I could see cameras and reporters waiting to take pictures and write articles. I just wanted to go home.

As I exited the car, I held my head down in order for the media to not notice me. As we entered the police station, I was put into an interrogation room. A few officers came in and started asking questions.

I couldn't hear them. I completely zoned out. I could see their mouths moving but I didn't care. I finally snapped of it and looked at the officers.
"I have one phone call, right? I would like to use it now.."

The officers looked at each other before looking back at me. "You only have one, so if the person you choose doesn't answer, that's it." I nodded and the handed me a cellphone and left for me to take my call.

[Guanlin's POV]

I've been completely destroyed by all the work I've been given. My agency has been busy because of the recent murder. I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Shit.." I muttered quietly. I stared at the picture of (Y/N) and I. We were at a the top of Namsan Tower. I smiled to myself and got back to work. "I got to do this for (Y/N). She's the only thing keeping me going."

I started going through a couple of files when I got a phone call. At first I wanted to ignore it, but it kept ringing so I answered. "Hello?" I said in a monotone voice. For all I cared, it was probably someone asking what coffee I wanted or where which file was.

"'s me." I heard (Y/N)'s voice, but she sounded like she was in pain. "Baby, what happened? Are you all right?" I heard her quietly crying at the other end of the line and clenched my fists tight. Whoever made her cry was going to pay.

"Lin...I've been framed. I was accused of some stupid murder but I didn't do it. I was at home every night for the past week. I need you to prove me innocent..I'm scared." My eyes widened in shock and I felt the anger boiling inside of me.

"(Y/N), listen. I'm going to get you out. I know you didn't do it. I'm working on the murder case now and I swear, I'll get you out. I promise." I heard her sniffle a bit but she answered back quietly. I nodded and heard the call hang up.

I went back into the files and stared at the picture of us one last time. ''I'm going to get you out. Whoever framed you is going to wish they didn't''

(Your POV)
I heard one of the officers end the call and looked at me. "Times up, you'll be moving to your cell until the court day. I suggest you don't do anything stupid in the meantime." I nodded, biting my lip to hold back my tears.

As soon as I was put in my cell, I burst into tears. I looked up to stop my tears from falling but it didn't work. I didn't care whoever was looking at me. I was to sad to even care.

The next day I was called to the interrogation room. I sat down on the chair, fiddling with my orange jumpsuit when he came in. Guanlin in his usual attire, a suit and tie with his briefcase. He smiled at me and sat down taking out his files.

I couldn't even look at him so I stared down at my jumpsuit. Guanlin noticed and lifted my chin. "Don't look down, it'll make my baby girl look guilty. And the only thing you're guilty of his turning me on.." He smirked as he went back to his files.

I felt my insides twist and turn. The same way I felt every time I'm around Guanlin . It made me nervous but I felt safer knowing that he was going to prove me innocent.

He looked at me and read his files out loud. "On Wednesday August 2nd, a murder was taken place at around 10:30 pm to 11 pm in downtown Seoul, in an alleyway. From what we know so far, you were in your apartment from 8 pm to 12pm the night of the murder, correct?" I nodded as he continued. "Do you have any proof that could justify that? A photo or a call log?"

I thought for a while when I remembered something. " I do have something. I was waiting for a late night package to arrive." I saw Guanlin take his laptop out to write notes as I continued.

"I usually go to bed at nine because I have to wake up early for work, but that night I went to bed at eleven because I got my package. The delivery man can prove I was in my apartment" Guanlin nodded and finished writing his notes. "Will I be innocent Lin?" I asked with the smallest shred of hope I had.

He smiled and kissed my cheek. "I promised didn't I? And I always keep my promises." As I saw him left, I was escorted back to my cell, counting down the days to the court hearing.

The day of the court hearing I sat down in the defendant side. I looked down as the hearing began. As soon as I was called up to the stand, I answered all the questions honestly, looking up just like how Guanlin told me. After that I went back to my seat and watched the rest of the hearing go.

It was finally Guanlin's turn and he made his way to the front. It was amazing to see him talk. I've never seen him work and it was so fascinating.

Everyone began to grow quiet as he spoke. "Your Honour, this woman has been judged unfairly and I will prove it." You heard the doors open and looked back. You were in shock to see the delivery man walk in and make his way to the witness stand.

Guanlin pointed at the man and smiled. "He knows the truth. Now, can you tell me that you saw this young woman in her house as you delivered her package." The delivery man nodded as he saw my face. "Of course. I still have the signature and time stamp of when she did sign it."

You saw Lin's lips curve into a smile. "And what time was that?" The delivery man handed him a printed paper. "10:41 pm on Wednesday August 2nd." Guanlin faced the jury and the spectators with the paper before handing to the Judge.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, if this young lady did commit the crime, how could she possibly make it to her home, which is in the suburbs of Seoul, in less than half an hour when it takes more than an hour to drive to downtown Seoul. Plus, the fingerprints on the weapons are not hers. I went to the lab personally and saw it as a system mistake. She is innocent and deserves to be free. I rest my case"

As the crowd and jury stood up in applause, I just stared at Guanlin . He noticed and sent me a small wink before sitting down. The judge calmed everyone down and bean to say his verdict.

"With all the evidence I've seen, this woman is clearly innocent. No further details will be search of her. Court dismissed."

As everyone started to leave slowly, I sat in my chair trying to process what happened. Guanlin packed his things and came over to me with a bag of my clothes. "Go change. I want my girl to walk out looking beautiful, not in this horrible jumpsuit"

I smiled and felt tears coming down my face. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him kneeling down to my eye level. "I know you went through something horrible, but I promised I'd get you out and I did. I'm sorry for everything you went through."

I shook my head and hugged Guanlin tightly as if he were to slip away if I let go. "No, thank you Lin . I'm free because of you. You're my hero." He smiled and kissed me on my check. "Let's get out of here." I nodded as I went to go get changed quickly. After that, I walked out hand in hand with Guanlin as a free woman.

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