Lai Guanlin - I Know

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I haven't written an imagine in a long time. I read through my old ones and I realized I haven't written about Guanlin. So time to show some love for the Gulliver Maknae~


I sat in my empty classroom, staring out the window. I glanced at my phone to check the time. 7:00 am. Only an hour until school started.

I decided to take a small nap as I waited for school to start. After a while, I was awaken by the sound of students talking to one another. I slowly opened my eyes to see the class starting to fill up and more students in the halls.

I stretched a bit and as I stood up to get my books from my locker, something knocked over. I bent down to see what it was, only to find a small bag with a note.

I opened the box to find some food and a carton of chocolate milk. Confused, I read the letter in hopes of finding the person who gave me these things.

You may not know me well, but I know you. I'm in your class, so obviously I would know you :)

After I read that, I shot my head up and glanced around the class. People were just talking to their neighbours, some people sleeping on their desks and others finishing up some work. I continued to read the letter.

I know what you go through.. I want to let you know that it's okay to tell people. Would you tell me if I told you who I was? Probably not hehe. Anyways, be safe and make sure you eat your meals. Most guys won't do this for you, so I'm making sure I will.

I smiled at the letter and started to quickly eat my food before the teacher came in. What I didn't know was that someone was watching me.


(Y/N) started to eat the food I got her. 'Good. She looks too thin..' I thought to myself as the teacher came in for class.

After what felt like hours, class finally ended. I saw (Y/N) get up to go get her other books. Before I could go after her, my friends stopped me for a bit. I just gave them a smile as I ran after her.


I was walking to my locker to get my books from my locker when I heard someone calling my name. I turned around and saw Guanlin, a kid in my class.

He smiled at me and handed me a piece of paper. "You dropped this. Just making sure you got it. See ya!" Before I could say anything, Guanlin ran back to class. I looked at the paper in suspicion. 'Was I holding a piece of paper?'

I opened it only to find an adress and a small note.

101 Produce Avenue
Please meet me at 5:00 pm today after school^^
I'll be waiting :)

I looked at the note, with so many thoughts running around my head. I lost them when I heard the bell ring. I just put the note in my pocket as I got my books and ran back to class.

The end of the day approached and I began to walk to the address. 'What if this is a prank? I'm not really close to anyone for them to invite me somewhere...'

As I prepared for the worst as I arrived at the address and to my shock to find a vintage cafe. I entered to find 10 boys. They noticed my presence and smiled as the took me to an empty seat. I awkwardly smiled as the all began to talk at once.

"So this is the lucky girl?? She's really pretty!"
"Shut up Seongwoo-Hyung! You're scaring her. Nice to meet you (Y/N)-ssi! Just ignore him. You're surprise should be coming real soon!"

My mind kept thinking about what the surprise they mentioned. Before I could say anything, they all left and one person came forward with a smile on his face.

My eyes widened as he sat down in front of me. "Guanlin? What are you doing here? Was this.. all your idea?" Guanlin nodded as I stood up. "I think I should go.." Before I could leave the cafe, Guanlin's voice made me stop in my tracks.

"(Y/N)! I know you've worked late night shifts for the last year. You work until 5 in the morning and you come straight to school. I know that most of your clothes are all from the thrift shop. I know that you haven't experienced proper happiness because you've never had a proper friend. I know."

I felt my eyes sting from the tears that fell down my face. I quickly wiped them and faced Guanlin. "Why do you care? What do you want from me?"

I watched as Guanlin stepped closer and gently held my hand. "I care because I have feelings for you. Not of pity or disgust, but something much more beautiful. The only thing I want is for you to realize that there is always going to be someone in this world who loves you without a specific reason, because they love everything about you."

Guanlin softly turned me around and made me face the window. He rested his chin on my shoulder as he pointed at our reflections. "What do you see when you look in the mirror (Y/N)?"

I sighed and said the truth. "I see a girl who's lacking in many places. Who has intense eye bags and isn't pretty at all. She's just.. there." I saw Guanlin frown as he stood up straight and faced me.

"Well, I see a beautiful girl who works hard everyday to make the people in her life proud. She may not know it, but she has many talents that people admire. And she's oblivious to the people who admire who the most."

I blushed at Guanlin's words as I kissed his cheek. "Thank you... no one has ever said that to me before. And it made my entire day. Guanlin gave me one of his gummy smiles as we sat back down at our table. "I know.. I wanted to be the first. Don't worry, I'll make sure to say these words to you any time you'd like. Just promise me you won't doubt them, because everything I'll say will be true~"


I hope you guys liked this imagine. I just wanted to let you guys know that each and every one of you are beautiful and handsome in your own ways. Never doubt yourself and strive to be best person you can be in life.

If you ever feel down, just know that someday, someone will say the same words Guanlin says in this imagine to you. Just wait and see ;)

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