Hwang Minhyun - Elevator Boy

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I've always worked hard in my life. I never asked my parents for anything, I was given a scholarship to the school of my choice in Seoul and after working 3 jobs, I finally got enough money to buy an apartment in Seoul and get a job to pay for rent.

Once I got out of the moving truck and saw the place I would be living in for the next 4 years, I smiled at myself. All my hard work payed off. The workers had already put my stuff upstairs so I thanked them and walked in.

As I went inside the building, I was awestruck to see how beautiful it was. "Wow..guess my hard work did pay off" I made my way to the elevator and pressed the button going up.

The doors open to show a man in uniform. I smiled and entered. He returned the smile "What floor ma'am?" I was a bit taken back but answered "The eight floor please" he nodded and pressed the button.

He looked at me and chuckled. "I guess you're not used to people taking you up to your floor, huh?" I was startled but nodded. "Yeah, my whole life has been 'get it yourself' or 'do it yourself'. Not used to this treatment."

The boy laughed and put his hand out. "I'm Hwang Minhyun. I'm the elevator bellhop. I help people up to their floors.  So I'll be helping you up to the eighth floor"

I laughed a bit and shook his hand. "Thank you Minhyun . I'm (Y/N). I just moved here from Jeju and I'm attending Seoul University. It's nice to know that I'll be safe going up to my floor everyday.."

The boy smiled, letting his happiness show. "Wow Seoul University huh? Someone's really smart.." The doors opened to the eighth floor and Minhyun held it open for a bit. "It's nice to meet you (Y/N). It's nice to know there's someone like you in this building"

I smiled back and nodded. "Thanks. I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" Minhyun had a broader smile "and every day after that."

For the next couple of days, I've been talking to Minhyun every time I go in the elevator. He's always asking me about my life but he never answers about his. He always says it's not interesting until one day...

"Hey (Y/N), I know you're busy with school and it's a bit sudden, but would you like to go out tonight on a date? You know to get to know me better?"

I noticed Minhyun getting nervous, rubbing the back of his neck and biting his lip. I smiled and nodded. "I would love to. I've always wanted to know the real Minhyun."

He smiled and kissed me on the cheek as the elevator got to my floor. "I'll pick you up at seven, Princess." I touched my cheek as I walked out of the elevator. As soon as the doors closed, I jumped up in excitement and went to my apartment to get ready.

At 6:50, I looked in the mirror. Minhyun never said where we were both going so I just dressed casual with a white blouse, a dark skirt and white heeled shoes. I took a deep breath in as I heard someone knocking on the door.

I went to go answer it and saw him in a fitted button up shirt, jeans and red rose in his hand. He smiled at me, causing me to smile as well for no reason and handed me the flower. "A pretty flower fit for a princess."

I blushed and smiled back at him, feeling extremely happy. He put his arm out for me and gave me a wink. "Are you ready?" I nodded and followed him

Minhyun escorted me to his car and helped me in. As we started driving, we started talking like we've always had, just like when we're in the elevator. After a while, we arrived at our destination. It was a very fancy restaurant and I started to feel anxious.

Minhyun somehow noticed and held my hand. "Don't worry, you look perfect." We made our way inside and went to our table that was in a far corner. I was confused on how Minhyun afforded this but just went along.

We order our food and continued our talk. Our food arrived and we started eating and comparing each other's dishes. It kept bothering me but I decided to ask him...

"Umm Minhyun ? How were you able to afford all this? My meal must be at least 100 dollars.." He just smiled and put down his utensils. "Guess its time to tell." I raised my eyebrows as he  continued

"Listen (Y/N), I'm not a bellhop. I'm actually the owner of this restaurant and the building you live in. The only reason I was a bellhop was to meet new people that my dad didn't force me to talk to. And out of all the people, you were the first person to talk to me..."

I stayed quiet for a bit and just stared at my meal. Minhyun saw and sighed. "I get that you're mad at me for not saying the truth. I just wanted someone to actually like me for me and not my money."

I looked up and smiled at Minhyun . "Hey, I'm not mad. I'm a bit shocked but it's fine. I'm just surprised on why you decided to ask me out on a date. I'm just a girl from a small town."

He shook his head and took my hand in his. "You're much more than that. You're a hard worker, you're a role model and you're extremely beautiful. I bet if I hadn't met you, my father would be setting me up with a bunch of shallow girls. You made me happy
(Y/N), and I hope you feel the same way as I do"

I looked at our intertwined hands and smiled. I looked at Minhyun and gave him a kiss on his cheek. "How about I tell you about my feelings on our second date?"

Minhyun smiled widely and pulled me into a kiss. I'll always remember that night. We didn't care about who was watching us. All I remember was that I fell deeper in love with my elevator boy.

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