Ha Sungwoon - My Young Teacher

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In this imagine, you are in university and Sungwoon is your new teacher and also is the youngest teacher at your university

I woke up after snoozing my alarm for a good 10 times. I saw the time and screamed. "Oh no! Oh nonononononono". It was 7:50 am. My class starts at 8:15 am and my house is already a good 20 minute walk from campus. I start running around. I just pulled on a pair of leggings and a sweater.

I didn't bother with my hair so I just put on a cap. I ran out my door and check the time one last time. 8:05 am. I start sprinting to the campus until I bumped into someone. I groaned and got up yelling a quick sorry to the person I bumped into and continued running.

I made it to the lecture room and sat in my seat. My lungs felt like they were on fire and my entire body hurted. My friend Jei asked if I was okay and I nodded. "Just need to go to the gym more often." She laughed and gave me some water. "Well, I heard we have a new teacher. I hope he's better than the last one." The bell rang and the teacher walked in.

I couldn't help but notice that I saw him somewhere. It wasn't until He turned around that I noticed it was the person I bumped into on the way to class. He and I made eye contact and he smirked.

He looked at the class. "Hello everyone. I am your new teacher for the semester, Ha Sungwoon. You can call me Mr. Ha or Sungwoon , just not in front of the other teachers or else I'll get in trouble. And you guys wouldn't want that, right?" He smiled causing every girl in the class to swoon.

I couldn't believe it. Even Jei was getting affected by him. I just rolled my eyes and took out my books as he continued. "I will be needing a student assistant who will be willing to stay after classes and help me with work. Any volunteers?"

Almost everyone put their hands up except me. Sungwoon scanned the class until his eyes landing on me. He smirked again and pointed at me. "You. The one with the cap and sweater. What's your name?" I looked around and noticed no one else wearing a cap.

I pointed at myself and he nodded. "Uhh, my name is (Y/N). But I don't think I have time to do it after classes." He smiled "I've already checked your schedule and it seems to me, you're already free. Unless you would like to write extra assignments each week?" I widened my eyes.

I wanted to argue back but everyone was staring at me. I gave up and just nodded as he started class. As soon as he turned his back I put my head on my desk whining.


A couple of months have passed and I've been staying everyday after school helping Sungwoon with his work. At first he was very cold. But as the weeks passed, he would do small things for me like get me coffee and cut down the work. But he would alway make excuses for me to stay longer.

One Friday evening, after I finished the work Sungwoon gave me I noticed all the light went out. I got my phone's flashlight and looked for Sungwoon. "Mr Ha ....Mr. Ha are you here?" I heard a noise and screamed. I dropped my phone as I heard it break. I felt something or someone come closer to me. As I closed my eyes I felt someone out their jacket on me. I saw a bright light and noticed it was Sungwoon . "Mr. Ha.. Are you okay?"

"Why do you still call me that?" He asked quietly. I looked at him confused. "Calling you what? I'm only calling you Mr. Ha." He nodded. "Exactly. It's been over 6 months. Everyone in class calls me Sungwoon . But why is it that the one person I want to call me by my real name, isn't doing so?"

I felt my gave getting hot and took a step back. Sungwoon followed me. I kept walking until I felt my back against a wall. "What are you implying, sir?" He smiled softly. "I've always liked your style (Y/N). At first this after class work was a way to get you back for making me late on my first day of teaching. But it changed to much more than that." He lifted your chin up so he could see your face.

"I started seeing the side of you that made me happier. You've changed me (Y/N). How could I not fall for you?" I started blushing at his comments. "Thank you for saying that but, I don't know you that well. How can I know for sure that you won't hurt me?"

Sungwoon put on his biggest smile finally getting me to swoon. "How about a date to change your mind? I promise, it'll be everything you dreamed of and more". You nodded and looked at him. "Nothing would make me happier....Sungwoon"

I hope you guys liked this imagine.

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