Hwang Minhyun - Why?

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I heard the bell ring and snapped out of my thoughts. I went downstairs and saw Minhyun and Jaehwan. They both glanced in my direction. I avoided eye contact and went into my class.

I sat down in my seat and stared at the window. Class started but all I could think about was the confessions I got from my best friends. The bell rang to signal the end of the school. I grabbed my bag and walked out of school.

As I was nearing the bus stop, Jaehwan and Minhyun came over to me and smiled as if nothing happened. I just put on a smile and greeted them. "Hey guys. Ready to go home?"

Minhyun nodded but Jaehwan shook his head. "Sorry, I have to head somewhere real quick. You guys go ahed, my dad's picking me up later. See you tomorrow!" We both watched Jaehwan walk down the street as Minhyun and I exchanged looks and made our way on the bus. It was filled with students.

We made our way to the middle section when the bus jolted forward. I lost my balance but Minhyun grabbed my waist, pulling me towards his chest. I felt people staring at us so I let go of his grip and held on to the handle. Minhyun felt sad at my sudden but just held on to the handle next to me.

Our stop came by and I got off first. I stared walking quickly but stopped when Minhyun stepped in front of me. I tried to move away but I he kept on blocking me. I looked down and rubbed my sweaty palms together. "Oppa.. could you please mov-"

"No. I'm sorry if I did something wrong, and I know it's hard for you to choose between your best friends but please don't avoid me.." I looked up at him and shook my head. "I'm not avoiding you.." I saw tears coming out of his eyes, streaming down his face. "Yes you are. You're not talking to me or Jaehwan and it's hard for us. It's hard for me..Why can't you see what you're doing to me?"

Without even knowing, I bursted out, saying everything that's been bundled up inside me for the last 2 years. "Why can't you see what you're doing to me!? Don't you think it's hard for me too!?  How can I tell the person I like my feelings without hurting my other best friend!?" I realized what I said and covered my mouth. Minhyun looked at me in shock, his mouth a bit open. I felt hot tears coming down my face as I quickened my pace home.

Before I could make it through my front door, I heard someone behind me. I turned around and saw Minhyun holding his knees out of breath. I sighed and looked away. "Oppa, just go home... its late." As I was about to go in, Minhyun grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me into a passionate kiss. I tried to resist but ended up giving into the kiss. Once he broke the kiss, he leaned onto my forehead. "I love you (Y/N)...Thank you for loving me back" I smiled and nodded. "Wait what about Jaehwan oppa?" Minhyun smiled and kissed my cheek before caressing it. "We made a deal to accept whoever you choose. I'm sure he'd be happy"

I smiled as I saw my parents calling me in. I looked over at Minhyun. "I'll see you tomorrow?" He nodded and started to make his way to his house. "And everyday after that like always"

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