Kim Jaehwan - Wizard

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It wasn't until..

I saw someone in a corner of the room on his phone. His friends around him were having fun but it seemed that he felt otherwise. I unconsciously smiled as I felt the same as the boy when I saw him looking at me.

He probably saw him smile because he awkwardly waved and smile back. I blushed in embarrassment as I waved back only to see his friends pulling him towards me. It wasn't a few seconds later when he was dragged right in front of me by one of his friends.

"Hello! I'm Jisung and this is my friend Jaehwan . He's a really nice guy and would like to get to know you if that's okay with you.." I nervously looked at the two boys and saw the one that was dragged here looking around to kill the awkward tension.

I smiled as I looked at Jisung. "Sure.. I don't mind. As long as it's okay with Jaehwan.." He looked at me but smiled back as he nodded. Jisung smirked and left the two of us together.

A couple of minutes had past with the two of us saying nothing. I looked around for a bit when my eyes were taken to the Jaehwan's outfit. My eyes lit up as I examined it properly.

"Are you... Harry Potter?" Jaehwan looked at and smiled nervously. "Yeah.. I didn't think any girl here would get it. Most people just thought I was cosplaying as something.."

My eyes lit up as I stood up. "Are you kidding me!? I'm the biggest Potterhead here! Don't mean to brag but I'm a Slytherin~" Jaehwan laughed as he pushed his glasses up. "Even if I'm dressed like the boy who lived, I'm a Hufflepuff"

Hours past of us talking about the books and movies, having the memorabilia and much more when the music suddenly stopped. The DJ took out a microphone and spoke out to the crowd.

"Sorry guys, music got cut off for a bit. Anyone from the crowd wanna be brave and sing for us?" I looked around as I smiled. "I wonder who's going to sing?" Before I knew it, Jaehwan starting walking away.

I looked at him in confusion as I saw him walk up to the front of the party and take the mic. My eyes widened as he smiled at me from across the room. "This is a song I wanted to sing for a special someone for a while. I just never had the time.."

So what I mean is, I want to know all of you
I'll sing for you, U hoo. I'll sing for you, U hoo
Even if my lips are dry, I need to say this baby
I adore you, I adore you. Enough to get dizzy... I adore you

I smiled as Jaehwan headed back over in my direction , everyone clapping. Some girls even stopped him to ask for his number, but he just softly smiled back.

Once he got over to my side, I playfully punched his arm. "That was amazing! Who was the song for?" Jaehwan blushed as he pointed at me. I blushed too but forgot about it as I softly kissed his cheek.

"Thank you.. that was sweet.." Jaehwan shook his head as he slowly took my hand in his. "Anything for you.. so that means if I'm Harry Potter, you must be Ginny.."

𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now