Lee Daehwi - Congratulations

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This request is for _littleprinceShihyun Hope you like it~

I felt my breath quicken as I looked around. Everyone was dressed in their graduation gowns, taking pictures and talking with their family and friends before the ceremony started.

I sat down next to my mom, clutching my papers. I was this years Valedictorian and it was a lot of pressure. My mom hugged me real quick and smiled. "Jen, it's fine. I'm sure you'll do amazing. We're rooting for you." I smiled back and heard the principal telling everyone to get in their seats for the ceremony.

I got up and made my way to my seat slowly, looking around for someone. I finally spotted him. Lee Daehwi. He was talking with Jinyoung about something when he glanced over at me. I was startled and looked down, hoping he didn't see me. When I glanced back, I saw him smiling and waving at me with Jinyoung. I shyly waved back and made my way to my seat.

I sat down and hit my head repeatedly. "Stupid, stupid Jen. Why did you glance at him? Why did he wave back? Was it a friendly, 'see you later' or 'I'll never see you again'?"  My friend, Jawahir (dats me ;P) looked over at me and rolled her eyes. "Focus, Jen, this isn't the time to be talking about I you'll see him ever again. Unless, some thing more is happening?"

I shook my head and glanced at Daehwi one last time. "Nothing's happening between us. Besides, he doesn't even know me. I just that other girl. Let's just focus on getting through this speech without any mistakes. Jawahir nodded and the ceremony began.

Towards the end, the principal called me up to read my speech. Jawahir gave me a 'fighting' sign and I nodded. I made my way to the stage and took a deep breath on. I could saw everyone staring at me, but Daehwi's stare was the one that stood out. I started reading my speech.

Fellow Students,
We finally made it. Even though it may seem like we were freshmen yesterday, we are finally graduating. We're going to be at the bottom of the chain again once we leave, but we'll make our way up just like how we did here. We left a mark on this school that won't be forgotten. Many things happened that will last in our memories. We saw it all happen so now I only have one thing left to say. Congratulations, we did it. Together.

As I finished, the whole crowd erupted in applause. I shyly smiled and went back to my seat. On my way back, I saw Daehwi whispering something to Jawahir. I saw her laugh before smiling widely at Daehwi. I felt my heart break in to thousands of pieces but I stayed calm. Jawahir congratulated me but I just stayed quiet and nodded.

After the ceremony ended, I was taking pictures with my parents. The went aside to talk to some teachers while I took some photos with other students. After a while , I sat down playing with my fingers when I felt someone staring at me.

I looked up and caught Daehwi's gaze. I felt my face going red. I saw him making his way toward me. I panicked and got up to walk somewhere else. Daehwi noticed and just kept following me.  "Jen? Jen wait up! I need to talk to you."

I felt him coming closer as I dashed into the girl's washroom. I sighed as I looked in the mirror. I was catching my breath until I saw Daehwi come in. My eyes widened as I screamed a bit. Daehwi noticed and covered my mouth. "Don't scream, I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea." He let go and chuckled a bit. "You were always bad at PE.."

I felt my ears go red as he stepped back. "What do you want Daehwi? Shouldn't you be with Jawahir?" He looked at me confused for a minute before bursting out in laughter. I just stared at him. "Why are you laughing?"

His laughter slowly went away as he explained what happened. "I don't like Jawahir. She's like a sister to me. I was only telling her that Jinyoung has a crush on her. I like someone else."

It took less than a couple fo seconds for me to take in what he said. I groaned as I covered my face. "I'm such an idiot. I just embarrassed myself in front of my crush." Once I realized what I said I looked at Daehwi with wide eyes. He just looked at me with a straight face. I felt tears coming as I made my way out of the washroom.

Before I could go out, I felt Daehwi catch my wrist. He pulled me into a back hug before he whispered into my ear.

"You. I like you Jen. You're the one who caught my eyes since Day 1. I lost my chance to confess to you four years ago but I'm not losing my chance now. Will you accept my feelings?"

Tears were streaming down my face as I nodded. Daehwi smiled and gave me a kiss at the top of my head. "Let's go jagiya. We may have not been high school sweethearts, but we can be life long lovers..."

Here it is~ and I know that Valedictorian speeches aren't that long, but I didn't want this to be a stretch. Hope you liked it Jen~

𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum