Kang Daniel - Daddy

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I haven't made a Daniel imagine in a long time. Need to show him some love~

I was in my car waiting for my manager to come. I'm part of a girl group and since I rarely had solo projects so I was excited for my manager to tell me about what I was doing.

The door opened to see my managers smiling face. "Well (Y/N), I can safely say that you will have an amazing day today."

I smiled back as he continued on. "You'll be filming 'Return of Superman' with Kang Daniel from Wanna One! They've been extremely popular for the last couple of months so showing your skills with him will definitely land you a commercial soon"

I felt my butterflies in my stomach as he said Daniel's name. Even though I debuted before him, Kang Daniel has been a reoccurring person in my life. He was still a trainee under my group's entertainment. We all supported him during his time at Produce 101 Season 2.

When he came in first, I was overwhelmed with joy, but I didn't have to confidence to congratulate him. It's been close to a month since his official debut and I still haven't spoken to him. "Maybe I'll get that boost of confidence today? Oh who am I kidding."

Once I got to the area of shooting, I saw another car parked behind us. As I got out I saw someone else exit that car too. It was Daniel. He sent me a smile with a quick wave as he jogged to where I was. I nervously waved back as I tried l as hard as I could to not blush.

Daniel made his way in front of me and bowed. "Hello sunbaenim! It's going to be great to work with you today. I haven't seen you since I started Produce 101.."

I nodded as I played with the rings on my finger. "Yeah..it has been. And you can just call me
(Y/N). You're older than me and sunbaenim makes me feel old." Daniel laughed a bit. "Of course. But that means you have to call me oppa."

Before I could say anything back, a director came to us and told us what to do when we saw the kids. We just nodded and went upstairs to surprise the kids.


We made it in front of the kids house and I rang the door bell. A few seconds later, a cute voice answered back on the intercom. "Who is it?" I smiled as I leaned into the other side of the intercom.

"It's Auntie and Uncle here to play with you guys, since you're daddy is away at a game. Can you let us in?" A few seconds later, the door opened to show 3 kids; a set of twin girls and a cute baby boy.

(A/N These are actual kids on ROS. They are adorable AF. For those who haven't seen WannaOne on the show yet, their names are Seola, Sua and Sian/Daebak)

We entered the house and made our way to the living room. Daniel kneeled down and smiled at the kids. "Do you guys know where we're from?" Sian raised his hand and stated doing the 'Pick Me' dance. I just clapped along as I was mesmerized by his cuteness. I didn't notice Daniel staring at me until I looked in his direction. He just smiled and went back to the kids.

"Wow, that's was amazing Sian~ Now, does anyone know where this beautiful girl is from?" I slightly blushed at Daniel's comment but laughed when the twins started dancing to my group's hit song.

A couple of hours have gone by and I was playing with Sian and Daniel was playing with Seola and Sua. As we were playing, Sian stopped and smiled at me. "Does noona like someone?" I blushed again and nodded "Right Sian, I like someone.. but why?"

Sian looked over at Daniel and pointed in his direction. "Do you like that hyung?" I glanced over at Daniel's direction and meekly nodded to the 3 year old. What I didn't know was that Daniel overheard and saw our entire conversation. He smirked to himself and went back to playing with the girls.

The day was over and we left the apartment as our schedule was over. I smiled to myself as I played the memory of the day over and over again. "I wish I could have kids like that...they're so adorable and innocent."

Daniel looked over at me and nodded. "Yeah.. they just so cute. So (Y/N), a little birdie told me that you have feelings for me. Is that true?" I felt my entire face become red and hot. I quickened my pace as I looked down. "What makes you say that Daniel?"

I was almost towards my car when I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw Daniel. "It's oppa.. and what makes me say that is because I have feelings for you. It made me sad that you didn't congratulate me, but when you're members told me why, I couldn't help but fall more in love with you."

I smiled as I looked down I embarrassment. "Sorry for not saying how I felt sooner. I was just.. scared of rejection. Pretty stupid, huh?" Daniel held my chin and lifted it up so he could get a better view of my face.

He smiled and shook his head. "I understand how you feel like. I'm happy you fell the same way. But I'm still a bit hurt after what you did." I smiled and held his hand that was now on my cheek. "So, what can I do to make it up to you?"

Daniel leaned in closer, and so did I. "Let's date now, so in the future we can get married. So then, I'll have two girls calling me daddy~"

𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora