Bae Jinyoung - Cheater

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This is for closedwalls, and I hope you like it.

I woke up to my alarm clock. Usually I would be tired and go back to bed, but today was a special day. It was my one year anniversary with my amazing boyfriend Jinyoung. I was checking my phone for any new updates when I get a text from Jinyoung.

<3 Jinyoungie <3
Kaydence~ I'll be waiting for you at the water fountain at 101 Park! Be there at 1 pm. See you there~

I smile at the text and got ready. I put on my favourite outfit and left my house. I walked to the bus stop and got on the bus. As I was on the bus, I saw a couple that were taking with each other. The boy looked a bit like Jinyoung but I shook it off.

After a while, I made my way to ththe fountain. I saw a figure near the fountain and I ran towards it. Before I could yell his name, the figure turned around. It wasn't Jinyoung, but Daehwi his best friend. Flustered, I just waved at Daehwi.

He smiled at me. "Hey Kaydence. You look really nice~" I looked at my outfit and I smiled widely. "Thanks Daehwi. It's for my anniversary with Jinyoung. Speaking of him, have you seen him? It's almost 1:00 pm.."

As I looked around, Daehwi gave me a nervous smile. "Listen Kaydence, I sent you that text.." I turned back to Daehwi with confusion on my face. "What? Why would you send me that text? What's going on?"

Daehwi gestured for me to sit and I did. "Jinyoung....he's been cheating on you for a while. He's been seeing some girl and that's why he's canceled so many dates in the past. I'm sorry you had to hear it from me.."

After I heard what Daehwi was saying, I gripped my bag's handle. I got up, facing the floor so that no one would see my cry. I slowly glanced over at Daehwi. "Do you know where he is..?"

Daehwi tried to calm me down but I still persisted. He sighed "He's probably at the dorm with her. All the other members went out to Busan today. Only him and I stayed back." I thanked him and made my way to WannaOne dorm.

I knocked on the door and a girl with way to much makeup opened the door. She looked at me with confusing, staring me up and down. "Who are you?" I have gave her the most fake smile I could put on. "I'm Jinyoung's girlfriend. And you are?"

She stared at me and broke out in the most annoying laughter I've ever heard. "Yeah right! You're his side chick. I've been with him for 6 months." I felt my blood boil as I pushed past her, leaving her to bicker and yell out for her 'boyfriend'

I saw Jinyoung on the couch and once he saw me, he immediately stood up. "Kaydence, wh-what are you doing here?" I felt tears rush down my face. "Seriously..6 months. 6 FREAKIN MONTHS!" He stepped back a bit in shock.

His apparent 'girlfriend' tried to slap me but I grabbed her wrist. "Shut the hell up." I looked back at Jinyoung "Why? What did I ever do wrong? Because I can't think of a single thing. So please, tell me what I did?"

Jinyoung sighed and bit his lip. "You were kind of getting boring.. I needed a change and I met her." He pointed at the girl who's wrist I was still holding. "I was about to tell you but I didn't know how."

I wiped away some tears and just glared at Jinyoung. "You were about to tell me? If you didn't like me anymore, why would my feelings care anymore. If you wanted to break up, then we'll break up. But cheating on me for six months for some slut (language)
Is the most cowardly thing you could do."

Jinyoung stared at me and I could feel him getting angry. "Cowardly? It's not my fault that my girlfriend is so annoying that I can't enjoy what a relationship feels like!"

Before he could continue, I slapped him leaving him and his 'girlfriend' in shock. "Ex- girlfriend. Have fun with your new slut Jinyoung. I hope you never fall in love again."

I walked past the two and as soon as I got outside, tears fell down my face again. I headed to a nearby bar and started drinking. A went through a couple of shots when I heard someone call my name.


I'm going to make a part 2 to this. Hope you liked the first part Kaydence~

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