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Sasha's Point Of View

My eyes fluttered open as I felt the rays of the sun kiss my face. I expected to see Michael laying next to me but the bed was empty.
I can't believe Michael and I had sex last night. And this wasn't just regular sex; this was making rounds and rounds of passionate love all night and all over this room.

Even though I enjoyed every bit of it, I couldn't help but feel immense guilt. You know the type of guilt you feel when you orgasm after masturbating to a whole bunch of porn? Feeling a little disgusted with yourself? Yeah that's how I feel at the moment.

I sat up against the headboard and grabbed my phone. I had so many missed calls and text messages from every one of my siblings and some calls from Kennedy. I quickly sent a text to my siblings through our group chat to let them know I was ok and that I'd call them later.

Now I had to go see where Michael went off to. I threw the sheets off of me and went to move but I immediately winced in pain from just the subtle movement. My whole bottom half was completely sore.

I smiled to myself as the flashbacks of last night ran through my head. Michael really outperformed what I expected of him. I mean, he's unbelievable in bed but last night? He seemed possessed by an entity that I can't even begin to describe.

As I'm about to hop off the bed to go searching for Michael, the door swings open and his angelic being came walking in with a large tray of food.

"Good morning, beautiful." He was beaming his beautiful smile.

He looked so fucking perfect. He was wearing one of his red shirts but it was unbuttoned, showing off his beautiful torso. His pants were hanging perfectly on his waist allowing his v-lines to show.

I tried so hard not to seem turned on by just his presence. "What's all this?" I smiled.
I crisscrossed my legs as he placed the tray full of breakfast goods on the bed.

"Well, I woke up pretty early and was really bored so I decided to make you some breakfast." He chuckled, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

My brows raised in excitement. "You actually cooked this? The Michael Jackson cooked and didn't burn anything?" I laughed.

He got on the bed and sat next to me. His amazing smell almost caused me to jump his bones but I contained myself as he spoke.
"Yeah, I'm really surprised I did this good. All thanks to YouTube."

We both laughed.

"Well," I slid off the bed and grabbed my robe, putting it on. "I really appreciate your efforts. It looks just as good as it smells."

"Where you going?" He frowned.

"Gotta brush my teeth. You know how I feel about eating breakfast with a dirty morning mouth." I smiled.

"Oh, yeah," he playfully rolled his eyes. "I forgot how boujie you could be sometimes."

I laughed and went into the bathroom.

Michael's Point Of View

I sat on the bed and scrolled through my phone, waiting patiently for Sasha to come out of the bathroom.

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