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Michael's Point Of View

Dean was trying his best to talk to me but I wasn't regarding a single word he was saying to me.

I was fuming. I blinked away the tears from my eyes as I stared out of the window. I couldn't believe what just happened back at the condo. I was hoping it was all a dream.

Unfortunately it wasn't.

If I didn't storm out of there when I did, I'm sure I would've put my hands on her for how furious I was. What would compel her to say something like that? How dare she?

It's one thing to hate Elise but it's another thing to disrespect not only her, but me and my babies.

"Mike, I think you should just cool down a bit. There's no need to fly back to LA." Dean looked at me.

"We're flying back to California, Dean. That's final." I couldn't even stand to look him in the eyes with how much tears were coming out of mine. There wasn't any point of him trying to talk me out of leaving New York anyway. We were already on the plane and I was too pissed to think clearly enough to even change my mind.

He remained mute up until the plane flew off the tarmac. I stole a glance at him and I could tell he was very angry himself. Not only was my Christmas ruined, I was ruining his as well.

Did I care? No. I was too upset to care.


The flight from New York to Los Angeles is about a six hour flight. We made it in four and a half.

As soon as I arrived, I made it my mission to go straight to where Jermaine was. It was vital that I saw him. Dean did everything he could to try to talk me out of it because of how emotional I was but I didn't care.

Once I got the address of where he was located, we drove straight there. When we arrived a couple hours later, I felt as though I made the biggest mistake ever. I wasn't angry anymore. For some reason I was scared. So many questions were ravaging my brain, I wanted to turn right back around and head back to New York.

Why did I even come here?  I stood there looking up at the exterior of the hospital. It looked like a very old and creepy hospital. It was in a rural town where there is more desert than there is people and most of the people here were either retired or about to be.

We walked in and my palms immediately began to sweat. I was more nervous than I should be.

There was this grumpy old man who gave us these forms to fill out and had us wait in this smelly waiting room. I was more than relieved that there was only one person in there. All I had was a ball cap on and some sunglasses on as my disguise. It was good enough to avoid stares from people but I'm sure if I were in a city like Los Angeles, I'd be spotted in seconds and I'd be trying to escape crazed fans.

Thirty minutes went by and finally, two officers came down and greeted us before telling us to follow them. We went up to the very top floor of the hospital where it was completely vacated for Jermaine. Him and a few police officers and the doctors taking care of him were the only ones allowed on this floor.

Before I could walk into the room, I took a couple of deep breaths to muster up whatever strength I had to finally face my brother since the day he was arrested.

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