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Sasha's Point Of View

"Guys, can you please hurry up? I don't wanna be late!" I yelled out the car window as Trev and Shad leisurely walked out of the house.

Very early this morning around 4:00 in the morning, I got a call from Michael. He sounded really sad over the phone and he kept apologizing about putting me in a situation he could only explain to me and the whole family at Hayvenhurst. Honestly, I can't lie and say I didn't get a little scared because each time I asked him to explain to me what he's apologizing for, he kept saying to just be at Hayvenhurst at noon.

"Homeboy didn't tell you why he needed all of us at Hayvenhurst today?" Shad asked as he hopped in the passenger seat.

"No, he just said it was very important." I said, pulling out of the driveway.

"Shit must be very important if he can trust Shad and I to be there and not beat his ass." Trevor said.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "Trev, you're all talk baby. You wouldn't do shit if Michael gave you a baseball bat to hit him with."

"Yeah, whatever." Trev scoffed.

"So, Kennedy and Lauren are on their way there right?" Shad asked.

"Yeah," I said, "they actually should already be there. They're closer to Ms. Katherine's house than we are."


Once we arrived, there were several cars already there but we saw no one outside. I assumed whatever it was Michael was doing had already started without me.

My stomach was turning in knots as we walked up to the front doors. The last time I was here, there was so much drama going on between Michael and Jermaine. I just hope today is drama free.

I opened the door and I could've sworn my knees got weak once my eyes met with the woman Michael cheated on me with in France. Everyone else's eyes were on me as well. I didn't know if I should say hi or just go find a seat.
His parents and all of his siblings were there, his oldest nieces and nephews sat off in the corner of the room then I saw Lauren and Kennedy waving for us to join them.
This must be something serious because even Michael's lawyers are in the room.

Everyone seems to be here but Michael and Jermaine.

Right when I'm about to ask Kennedy if she's seen them, Michael comes down the stairs with his head of security, Dean.

"Is everyone here?" Michael scanned the room then his eyes fell on me. He took a big sigh then said, "Good, we can begin." He stepped to the middle of the room, everyone's eyes on him. "I gathered all of you here today because I have something to show and say to all of you. I know you all remember the whole situation that went down between Jermaine and I at the last family day we had here. Well, everything Jermaine said about people threatening him and his family to say those horrible things about me, aren't true at all. That was all Jermaine's doing."

You could see the shock and confusion on everyone's faces in the room. We all looked around the room at one another, wondering where Jermaine was.

"Bryce, come on down!" Michael called. Then a few seconds later, a man, who I remember as one of Michael's security, came marching down the steps with a bloody faced Jermaine in his hold. Everyone gasped in shock, some standing and yelling for an explanation of what the hell is going on. Michael shushed everybody and made Bryce sit Jermaine in a chair he placed in the middle of the room. "See," Michael continued, "Jermaine has been plotting to take me down for the longest. He's even had one of my security guards, Aaron, working for him in trying to tarnish my reputation and destroy my career. Here I have this tape I'm going to play for all of you, where Dean gets Aaron to expose their whole scheme. Before I play it for you guys, however," Michael looked at me with saddened eyes, then he turned to Elise. "I want to tell all of you that I'm going to be a father."

Everyone's eyes lit up and Joe and Katherine seemed shock but it was a happy kind of shock. I tried my hardest to suppress my smile while Kennedy looked over at me and winked.

"Mother, I am so sorry," Michael apologized. Mine and most of everyone's smile turned into a frown. I'm sure I wasn't the only one wondering why he was apologizing for something that's beautiful. I know this happened out of wedlock but he isn't a child.

Katherine frowned, "Why are you apologizing, son? That's beautiful news."

"I'm apologizing because I'm fathering two children by two different women!"

Time froze. I felt as if that whole sentence was a double edged sword that pierced through my heart. Everything seemed like it was happening in slow motion. I could see the shock from everyone and the chattering between them but I couldn't hear anything.

My head was light as a feather and my vision became distorted.

Was I passing out?

I turned my head to see Lauren and Kennedy asking me if I were ok. I see their mouths moving but I can't hear a sound.

Yep, I was definitely passing out cause everything and everyone was disappearing and all I could see was complete blackness.

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