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Michael's Point Of View

Spending two days with Sasha in China was great. The night at the stadium will go down as one of the best highlights of my life, simply because of how happy I made her. Her smile almost never faded that whole night.
Now, I did my best to pull out all the stops to win Sasha's heart back and despite everything I did, I don't think they tugged at her heartstrings hard enough.

I can't deny that I do feel a little bit defeated after leaving China with not much of any progress between Sasha and I. Though I am frustrated, I can't really blame her. If the roles were reversed and she did to me what I did to her, she would be dead to me the very second I'd find out.

Even though we're back in LA and everyone is back to their regular lives, I won't cease in trying to get Sasha back.

"Dean!" I yelled out from my office as I frantically searched and emptied every one of my drawers and file cabinets. "Dean!"

Dean came running in with his gun drawn. "Boss, are you-"

All I saw was red. "Dean, I need you to go over the video footage of inside this office from the very second we left the property to head to the airport." I was absolutely furious.

"Boss, what's going-"

"Fuck!! Dean, just go! Go review the tapes and see who the fuck came into my office while we were gone." I shouted, ransacking the whole place.

With a puzzled look on his face, he ran out of my office.

Where could it be?

"I swear I will fire the whole fucking staff if I don't find this shit!" I hollered. My anger was so overwhelming that I didn't even realize that tears were escaping my eyes. "This is fucking bullshit!"

I ran upstairs to my bedroom and started rummaging through everything. I even checked my safe, even though I'm one hundred and ten percent sure that I had it inside a compartment of my office desk.

Could one of my guards have broken into my office and steal from me? Was it my cleaning staff? Though my chef didn't travel with me to China, he doesn't have access to the property if I'm not here. It could not have been him.
I'm just confused and absolutely fuming.

I went downstairs and made my way outside to the security house where all the surveillance takes place. Once I entered through the door, all six of my bodyguards who were all encircled around the monitors, looked up at me and I could just tell by their faces that it wasn't good.

"Who did it? Tell me who the fuck robbed me?" I roared, causing some of them to flinch and just stare at me wide eyed. I made my way over to their side to look at the screens. I saw nothing but a vacant mansion and an empty office. "What the fuck is this?"

"Boss," Dean placed his hand on my shoulder, "we didn't find anything but I think you should see this." He motioned for me to sit and I did. I sat down in front of the monitors and honestly couldn't see what I was supposed to be staring at. "See the date and time right here?" Dean pointed to the lower left corner of one of the monitors. "Now, look at this monitor right here. This is inside of your office. Now look at the difference."

I looked back and forth at the screens. Both screens show inside my office, each showing different angles. The monitor in front of me shows the date August 28 and time, 4:41pm. The other monitor to my right had the date August 28 and time, 6:06pm. The first monitor showed my office just as I left it when I went to China. The second monitor however, showed a couple of differences from the first. My computer which was off and how I left it, was on and my chair is moved about a foot over on the second monitor. In the first screen, my door is closed. In the second one, the door is slightly opened.

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