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Elise's Point Of View

I looked over at the clock on my nightstand and it read 3:12 a.m. My stomach was growling like crazy and it reminded me that I haven't really eaten in several days. I've been so depressed that I failed to realize that I'm potentially hurting my baby by not nurturing myself.

I hopped out of bed and tipped toed down the hall so that I wouldn't wake my mom and abuela. As I'm making my way to the kitchen, I spot from my peripheral, someone sleeping on the couch in the living room. I backed up to see if the person could maybe be my mom or grandmother but once I got closer and my eyes began to adjust, my heart nearly jumps out of my chest. I hurried to the light switch and flipped it on and the sight I saw nearly had me scream from shock. I covered my mouth and thankfully only a small shriek escaped.

Michael was laying on the couch fast asleep.

I was in absolute shock. What the hell is he doing in my grandmother's house?

"Michael?" I whispered. He didn't budge. "Michael!" I called a little louder but not loud enough to wake everyone else up.

I leaned in to tap him but before I could touch him, his eyes fluttered open. Once he saw me, a slight smile came on his face.

"Hey, Elise." He smiled, sitting up on the couch.

I was still kind of speechless that he was sitting right in front of me. His curls were messy like he hadn't combed them in days and his eyes were puffy and red like he'd been crying. "Wha—how are you in here right now?" I asked.

"Last night I found out where you were and decided I'd drive and come see you. When I got here, your mother said you were already asleep so I asked her if it was ok if I slept on her couch." He said.

"Oh wow." I sat down next to him. "I've been trying so hard to get in contact with you but I feel like you were avoiding me."

Michael's face turned sad. "I was avoiding you, Elise. I know I made a mistake by cheating on Sasha with you and I can't take it back but I wanted to move past it so I can mend my relationship with Sasha." he sighed and took a long pause. "Is it true." His saddened eyes looked in mine. "Is it true you're pregnant?"

I quickly wiped a tear from the corner of my eye before it could fall. I nodded and said it was true.

"I'm so sorry, Elise." He took my hand in his. "I mean, I'm so happy you're having my baby but I know this isn't how you pictured you'd start your family. You deserved so much more."

"It is what it is," my tears fell. "it already happened, we can't go back in time. What we can do now is just try to be the best parents we can be for our boy or girl."

"It's crazy how Sasha said almost the same exact thing." He smirked.

"What?" I was confused.

"Oh, it's—it's nothing." Michael nervously said. "Um, can I. . ." he motioned towards my stomach. I hesitated but I allowed his hand to touch me.

"You won't really feel anything yet. It's way too early." I said.

He removed his hand, "You're six weeks pregnant. You should start feeling at least a little movement in there." his eyes filled with worry.

"I do," I smiled a little, "don't worry. Yesterday my doctor said everything looked perfect."

I could tell he felt a little relieved after I said that. He was looking off into the living room like he was in real deep thought. I watched him, wondering what thoughts were going through his head at the moment. He seemed extremely stressed and scared but happy at the same time.

I touched his hand, causing him to jump right out of his head and back to the reality we were in. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, yeah." He raked his fingers through his hair. "I'm sorry, I just have a lot on my mind."

"Well, you should probably get some more sleep." I got up off the couch. "Do you want a blanket?"

"No, actually I'm gonna get going right now. I just really needed to see you and apologize." He stood up. "I also want you to come to Hayvenhurst at noon today. It's very important."

My heart sort of skipped a beat and I got real nervous. "Hayvenhurst?"

"Yes. It's imperative that you show up." I swallowed hard. "My family will be there so I can tell them the news. I mean, the media kind of already put it out there but I want to introduce you to them first before the media finds out you're the one carrying my baby."

"Oh boy, I'm already nervous." My heart was racing.

"There's some other things I'm going to discuss as well. Just be prepared." He walked past me to the front door. "I'm gonna head back home now."

I glanced at the clock on the wall, "Are you sure you don't want to get some more Z's in? It's 3:30 in the morning."

"I'll be fine." Michael smiled. "I'll see you later. Tell your mom and grandma thank you for letting me stay."
With that, he walked out of the house and closed the door.

Ten thousand thoughts were running through my head all at once. What will his parents think of me? Will Jermaine be there and could he hurt me? What if Sasha is there? How could I look her in her eyes when she finds out that I'm pregnant by her ex? I felt nauseous just thinking about it.

I came downstairs for a snack but got way more than I anticipated.

This is going to be a crazy day for sure.

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