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Sasha's Point Of View

The past couple of days were pretty tough for me. Especially the other day when Michael told me everything Jermaine told him.

Everything sounded like something you'd see in a movie or read in a fictional book. I'm not surprised that Elise is a conniving, fake ass bitch but, what I am surprised about is how well she played her role.

Shad was the first to suspect she was up to no good and somehow, she managed to manipulate him so well that he only saw her as a victim. Meanwhile, she was the perpetrator.

We encouraged Michael to talk to the FBI but he refused. He told us he didn't want anything to do with all of that anymore. He didn't want to put his life and our lives at risk. Thankfully, the FBI already had her under their radar. We know eventually she'll be brought to justice.

As for the twins, neither him or Jermaine were their fathers. It was Aaron, Michael's former bodyguard who betrayed him. What's even more sad is Aaron doesn't even know.

Elise's plan was to pin the twins on Michael and gain as much millions as she could until they'd turn eighteen.

Michael was obviously devastated that he didn't father them but at the same time, he felt relieved that he wouldn't have to ever see Elise's face again. As hard as this was for him, he had to give them over to DCF. They'd be at risk if we kept them and they'd be at greater risk with their mother.

They deserved better parents than the criminals that created them.

I was cleared by Dr. Moore to go home today but I just couldn't see myself leaving my baby.

I never knew a love so strong existed until I laid eyes on my beautiful baby boy. I cried my eyes out when I finally saw him yesterday. He was small but not too small. He's just so perfect. I wanted nothing more than to just take him out of his incubator and hold him and never letting him go.
Thankfully, we were given a huge private room where we could feel comfortable and never leave his side.

Michael agreed that we'd stay in the hospital to spend New Years Eve and New Years with our son while everyone else would be back at the condo having their little party or what not.

I stood there in front of his incubator just marveling at him. I stuck my hand in one of the openings and just placed my pinky in his little hand. Joyful tears ran down my face as I felt his tiny fingers tighten around my pinky.

"We have to pick a name for him," Michael said, standing behind me.

"You know," I chuckled, wiping my tears, "I thought this would be easier but I lied to myself. Do you have any names in mind?" I looked at him.

"Hmm," he paused for a while and just stared at our baby. "I don't know. . .he looks like a. . .he looks like a Donovan," he laughed.

I bursted into laughter, "he does look a Donovan."

"We can go with Donovan," he shrugged, smiling wide.

As Michael and I went back and forth trying to think of a name, my eyes went directly to a map on the wall. First city I landed on was Phoenix. "Let's name him Phoenix," I smiled. "Phoenix with two x's"

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