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Sasha's Point Of View

Last night was another one of those crazy moments in my life that I've had to experience. Telling Michael that I was pregnant was so surreal that I still can't stop replaying his reaction in my head. Though I pity our current situation, I cannot lie and say that I am not excited for him because there's nothing Michael wants more than to have children. To have his own flesh and blood running around.

The way he sobbed last night was like anything I've ever seen. It broke my heart simply because I knew his tears were a blend of so many different emotions.  I found myself comforting him and celebrating with him all in the same breath.

I also forgave him last night. I made the decision, though a rather hard one, to dispose of the burden of anger and resentment my spirit harbored for him. He is the father of my child and for the sake of the little human we created, I have to find a way to move past what he's done. He cheated and I left. What's done is done. We can't go back for a redo. It's just what it is and how it is. That is life.

I tried to make him come to an agreement that we would become nothing more than cordial but he wouldn't accept to just be "friendly" with the mother of his child. He said that this pregnancy news has motivated him even further to win my heart back. Though I laughed him off and told him there was no way, he had this dead serious look in his eyes that said he was not joking at all. I can't even lie and say he didn't turn me on cause I sure as heck wanted to jump his bones right there and then.

Anyway, today is another one of those days where I'm just home lounging around reading another one of my favorite books all while stuffing my face with unhealthy snacks. Michael would probably go off on me if he saw all the junk I was stuffing into my body.

I was enjoying the peace and quiet from being alone at home once again until that all came to a holt when loud laughing and talking came busting through my front door.

"What the—"

"Hey, ugly!" Lauren walked into the living room along with my brothers, her boyfriend, Andre and Kennedy and her husband, David.

"What are all of you guys doing here?" I sat up on the couch and licked my Dorito stained fingers. "Trev, didn't you go to your girls house or something?"

Trevor sat down next to me. "Yeah, we broke up so I went over to Shad's place. He was on his way over here so. . ."

"Wait, you guys broke up ag—you know what, that's none of my business." I said. I looked over at the rest of them. "What's up you guys!"

They all greeted me with smiles and hugs before finding a seat in the living room.

"What's going on, sis? Did you cook today?" Shad asked as he walked over to the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "Shad, bye. Always looking for food." I turned to everyone else in the room. "What brings you guys here to disturb my peace?"

"We came to pick you up." Lauren said.

"Yeah," Kennedy smiled, "David's parents are having a barbecue and they wanted him to invite all of his and my friends."

"How'd you know I wanted to go? And what happened to a quick phone call or a text?" I cocked a brow. "No offense, David, I love you but I won't be going to your parents barbecue. As good as that sounds right now."

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