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Sasha's Point Of View

Six days.

I haven't spoken to Michael in six whole days. Despite him going through lengths to try to "explain" and apologize, I just wasn't ready to listen to none of it.

As usual, he kept sending flowers and gifts to the house and has even gone as far as going to every single counseling session with madam Adelaine in spite of me not even being there.

I was in a state of no longer giving a fuck. I didn't care about the sessions, I didn't care about Michael, I didn't care about anything but my baby.

It's been what I've been trying to convince myself of  since that night at the hospital but in reality I truly do care. I care entirely way too much and that is the reason why I'm hurting the way I am.

Just when I thought I'd continue my efforts in trying to stay away from Michael for as long as I can, I get a call from Rebbie that Katherine wanting us all for dinner at her house this evening. I tried to come up with a few excuses to maybe get myself out of possibly facing Michael's ignorant ass but Rebbie said it was important that I be there because she has an important announcement.

By then, there was no way I could say no especially to Mama K.

"Sash, you can't just keep stalling in here," Kennedy sat on my bed, rolling her eyes in frustration. "You've been ready for thirty minutes now but keep touching up on your makeup. Everyone is already at Katherine and Joe's house."

"Why are you in such a rush?" I looked at her through my vanity mirror as I put another coat of lipgloss.

"Sasha, seriously!" Kennedy snapped. "You're pregnant with the man's baby. You're acting like he's just a random ass person you could just ignore and never talk to again."

I placed the lip gloss down and turned around to face her. Suddenly, emotions began to take over me like a tidal wave, my eyes filling up with tears.

"Sash," Kennedy's tone softened.

"You ever love somebody so fucking much that you hate them?" I said as a tear fell from my eye.

"You're in love with him, Sash," Kennedy said, sounding like a comforting mother. "Being in love will bring out the absolute weirdest and craziest emotions in you. And what's frustrating is that you sometimes can't control them."

I sighed, wiping my tears and grabbing my bag. "I really don't want to see his face right now."

"But you have no choice so, c'mon." Kennedy grabbed her bag and we were out.

Because of the way Los Angeles traffic is set up, it took us an hour and a half to get to Mama K's house when it should only take us thirty minutes.

As soon as we arrived, I got immediate butterflies in my stomach. Not the good butterflies but the bad ones where you feel like you're about to puke from just pure anxiety. My mind was racing in all sorts of different directions. I wasn't ready for the possible questions from Michael's family about why I was ignoring Michael or just Michael trying to pry his way back into my life by pouring out his worn out apologies to me.

"Can we sit in the car for a little bit?" I looked over at Kennedy, nervously playing with the hem of my dress. "I don't want to go in there yet."

"Girl, what the fuck are you nervous for?" She huffed, pulling the key out of the ignition.

"I don't know, Ken," I whined. "My emotions are all over the place right now. I'm not nervous about facing Michael; it's more so worried that maybe I'll slap the shit out of him in front of his family. But I'm really nervous about possibly being judged by his parents, especially Joe."

Kennedy rolled her eyes, "Sasha, why would you think you're going to be judged? You're acting like you're the one who cheated."

"Well, I—"

"And technically, he didn't cheat on you. I'm not taking his side or anything but you guys aren't a couple nor were you two a couple when he decided to go sleep with whatever bitch he slept with." Kennedy arched her brow. "Stop stressing over that nigga. It's not good for you and the baby. And as far as Katherine and Joe are concerned, there's no reason for you to be nervous about them. Why would they judge you? If anything, they'll feel horrible that their son is a piece of shit who continues to break the heart of the one he claims to love and is pregnant with his baby."

I just sighed and raked my fingers through my hair. I had no rebuttal because Kennedy was sort of right.

However, just because Michael and I aren't together doesn't mean he had the right to go do what he did. He was the one desperate for me to give him a chance. He led me to believe that he was on the right path of change and was ready to mend our issues so we could get back together but instead he leaves me high and dry at our counseling session and went to have sex with another woman.

I don't care what anyone says. There's not a female that wouldn't be hurt from finding out that the person they love, were sleeping with somebody else. Even if you aren't in a relationship with that them.

"C'mon, girl," Kennedy grabbed her bag and opened the door, "we can't stay in the car any longer. We're already late."

"Alright, let's go."

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