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Michael's Point Of View

Kennedy sent me a text earlier to let me know that they were about an hour away from landing. Meanwhile I was running around trying to get everything set up for my special surprise for Sasha tonight.

The creation of my short film went wonderfully and we wrapped up two days ago and because I knew the media and my loving fans would be following my every move, I had to fool them and make it seem like I left Shanghai right after we wrapped up, just so I'd at least have the privacy to do what I wanted to do. Especially with Sasha being here.

Since the airport was about a half an hour distance from the place I rented for all of us to stay, I made my driver bring Dean and I to the airport to get them.

"You've been smiling almost the whole ride, boss." Dean looked to me with a smirk as our vehicle pulled into the airport.

"Have I?" I mean, I know I have. . . It's just I'm so excited to see her. I'm so anxious for tonight, my heart is racing." I said.

"You really went above and beyond with this one." He chuckled. "She's going to be speechless for sure."

"There's no such thing as "above and beyond" when it comes to Sasha. Even if I were to float into space and bring her back a star, that wouldn't be enough. Especially for what I put her through."

"You seem more in love with her than you were before." Dean smiled.

"That's because I am." I looked out the window as we made our way to the private hangar. "I fall deeper and deeper in love with her every day. . . And the fact that she's carrying my child, fuels that fire I have for her even more."

We waited in the car for maybe twenty to twenty five minutes before the plane finally landed. I was so eager to see all of them but mostly Sasha. After a few minutes of waiting some more, the doors of the jet open, releasing the stairway down.
I grabbed the bouquet of flowers I had for her and exited the vehicle.

I stood there with a beaming smile while they began getting off the plane one after the other. I greeted all of them with handshakes and hugs before finally getting to the person I've been anxious to see since the moment I arrived in China.

She looks so beautiful.

"There goes my baaaabyy," I cooed while pulling her into a hug.

"If I weren't so tired, I'd punch you in your throat right now." She laughed.

I laughed and pulled away to look at her. "What did I do?"

"You didn't call me, nor did you pick up when I kept blowing your phone up. You're out here planning shit and got everyone in on it?"

"I know, Sash, I'm sorry. I just really wanted to surprise you. I should've went about it differently." I said. "Here," I handed her the bouquet, "beautiful flowers for a beautiful woman."

"Aww," she batted her eyes at me, "thank you. I'll add these to the other thousand I have at home." She chuckled.

We all chatted amongst ourselves as Dean and the chauffeurs loaded all of their bags into mine and another vehicle.
Once everything was packed and ready to go, I had everyone board the van, including Dean, so I could have Sasha all to myself in the SUV.

"I missed you." I rubbed her belly, which was now so much bigger than when I last saw her. "I missed both of you."

She smiled and placed her hand on top of mine as it caressed her stomach. "We missed you too." The car pulled off and she gazed out of the window, taking in the new surrounding.

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