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Sasha's Point Of View

"Thank you so much." I smiled at my chauffeur as he kindly helped me out of the vehicle.

He completely lit up like this was the greatest honor for him. Though he couldn't speak any English, he understood my gratitude. He gently took my hand and led me to these large double doors before he took a small bow and began walking back to the car. I looked at him confused. Like do I stand here or do I go in? But before I could open my mouth to call after him, the double doors open synchronously.

I was completely taken aback as two young men—one at the end of each door—dressed in tux's, motioned for me to enter. I slowly made my way inside, all while with a semi perplexed look on my face.

Never would've guessed I was coming to a stadium. What could Michael Jackson be up to?

I kept walking through this long corridor until I saw another one of those huge double doors. Once I got close enough, the doors opened just like the last ones. This entrance, however, was different. My eyes went directly to this beautiful red carpet that is blanketed with white rose pedals.
Standing in the middle of the walkway is a butler and he gestures for me to come to him. I take a couple steps forward and enter through the doors and it's obvious to me that I am now about to enter inside of the actual stadium.

"Good evening, Miss Campbell." The butler gave me a small courtesy bow and extended his hand to me. "Come right this way."

I obliged and allowed him to lead me to where I assume Michael would be waiting for me. "This is so beautiful." I said in almost a whisper to myself, not thinking the man would hear me.

"Oh," he chuckled, "if you think a red carpet covered in rose pedals is beautiful, you're in for a big surprise."

My face became warm from blushing. As we approached this tunnel that leads straight to the field, I could hear this beautiful melody coming from what sounds like a harp. My whole being was pulsating, making me feel the most nervous I've ever been. I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly as the view of the field was in my sight.

As we officially entered, my eyes began to mist as I was welcomed by maybe what seemed like fifty gorgeous dancers. Right on queue, the lights completely dimmed out and the dancers began performing this beautiful traditional Chinese dance. Though the stadium lights were dimmed low, it was still beautifully lit by thousands of candles and these really beautiful paper lanterns.
My eyes were glued to the dancers, feeling a wave of emotion overtake me as they danced so gracefully to the beautiful piece the harpist played.

"Pay attention to this part." The butler winked at me then suddenly they pulled these hand fans from their sleeves and opened them up.

I stood there in amazement of how breathtakingly gorgeous this routine looked and how the beautiful Chinese folding fans made the dance ten times more astonishing.
Suddenly, they stopped and they all opened their fans wide, creating a big picture. As I'm about to applaud their performance, the dancers unexpectedly and hastily shifted positions, rearranging the picture.

They stood still, fluttering the fans in front of their faces. I immediately started crying once I saw that it was a picture of Michael and I. The very first picture Michael and I took together when we made our relationship official.

"This. . . this is so beautiful." I fanned my watery eyes to hold back my tears but that all failed when the dancers flipped the fans over, revealing a message that read: SASHA CAMPBELL, WILL YOU BE MINE AGAIN?
Then unexpectedly, the dancers dispersed, revealing a smiling Michael standing in the middle of the field, dressed in the most beautiful suit I've ever seen and holding a large bouquet of white roses.

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