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Sasha's Point Of View

A few days had passed and Lauren had really recovered dramatically. She was healthy enough that they discharged her and sent her home. Her doctor prescribed her medication to take until she gave birth and to follow up with a physician.

I was sitting in my living room watching tv when a commercial came on with Michael's music playing in the background. It made me sad and angry at the same time.

Michael has been so cold towards me these past few days that all these assumptions were clouding my judgment. Last night we had a huge argument over the phone about it.

I looked at my phone, tempted to call him but I knew he probably wouldn't pick up. Especially now with this European tour going on and him constantly being in rehearsal.

"You good, sis?" Lauren came and laid on the sofa next to me. "You've been quiet all day."

I looked at her and sighed. "Should I call him? I mean, it's not too late over there right now and I know he has a whole off day tomorrow and the day after."

"With the way y'all were arguing last night? Yeah, I highly doubt he'll pick up anyway." She said.

"I know—"

Trevor came downstairs and cut me off. "Nah, what you need to do is go over there. Since Lauren is home now, you could get on a flight tonight and surprise him tomorrow."

"That's actually not a bad idea." Lauren sat up. "Pop up over there all unexpected and shit, make amends and have some good makeup sex."

"Y'all play too much." I laughed. "I can't just show up over there without telling him."

"Why not? That's your man and unless he's doing shit he ain't supposed to be doing, I honestly don't see what the problem is." Lauren said, raising a brow at me.

I rolled my eyes and fidgeted with the TV remote.

"Look," Trevor began. "take me with you, Sash. I'm not doing anything this whole week so..."

"Trevor, you know good and well that I'm not about to go over there and babysit your ass." I scoffed. "Plus, you have to stay with Lauren and take care of her."

He let out a huge sigh of frustration. "I'm dead ass about to turn 22 next month and you're still treating me like a fucking child!" He plopped on the couch across from Lauren and I. "I could handle myself. I'm a grown ass man."

"Awww," Lauren laughed, "maybe if you acted more like a "grown ass man" we'd treat you like one." She said and I shook my head agreeing with her.

"Man, whatever. Just let me go with you, Sash. I promise I'll stay out of trouble." He begged with puppy eyes. "Shad will be here to stay with Lauren and she got her baby daddy too. Plus, I know Mike would be happy if I came."

"Girl, take him." Lauren interjected. "You already know if he stays, all we're gonna do is argue. Especially now with my hormones raging, I'll probably kill his ass."

I looked at Trevor who was grinning from ear to ear trying to be cute and win me over. "Pleeeaaase..." he pleaded.

"You're lucky I don't want to go back to Europe alone." He jumped up to hug me. "Go pack your bags while I look for flights for tonight."

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