Where It All Began (4/6)

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Sasha's Point Of View

Never in a million years would it have ever cross my mind that I would share such an intimate moment with Michael Jackson. Me, of all people.

It was almost 4:00 a.m when I got home from Michael's house and I don't regret not one second I spent with him. Now, we didn't go further than kissing even though I knew Michael was probably internally dying for us to take it there. I was tempted, don't get me wrong, but I had to keep it classy and not be the girl that gave it up the same night.

I learned so much about him that I wouldn't expect of him at all. He's so much like what he appears to be and at the same time not what he appears to be. If that makes any sense. For example, the world has only but a few perceptions of the King Of Pop. In their eyes, he's either this man-child who's a weirdo that doesn't have any sexual desires for women or he's just this musical god who's only care in the world is anything and everything music. Which is all not true at all. Yes, of course he cares for music but he also has other talents such as drawing and painting. He's one of the most artistically talented indiduals I've come across in my lifetime. He is also a MAN who loves women and sex just as any other heterosexual male. Michael oozes sex. He's just out here fooling everybody like he's all pure and all.

After taking a shower and getting off the phone with Kennedy and telling her about what happened between Michael and I (she went berserk), I decided I wanted to go on a spa day with Lauren and get ourselves pampered. One of my favorite things to do is spend time with my sister. As she can be the funniest person to be around, she's also the realest. Cross her sideways and you'll regret it in an instant.

While Lauren and I were getting comfortable on our massage tables and getting ready to get our massages, my phone started going off from all these text messages coming in almost back to back.

"Dang sis, who the fuck is blowing you up like that?" Lauren asked as the masseuse went in on her lower back.

I asked my masseuse to grab my phone for me before continuing my well needed massage. She handed it to me and lo and behold I had 12 messages from Michael. I blushed by just the sight of his name on my phone. I didn't think he would actually hit me up. At least not this soon.


*Baby girl

*I hope you're having a wonderful afternoon

*I'm in the studio today

*I can't even focus

*I can't stop thinking about you!

*You're beyond beautiful inside and out

*You've done something to me girl, Idk what it is

*Let me take you out to dinner tonight

*Btw I'm texting you in bits like this just to make sure I get your attention lol

*I like you ALOT miss Campbell

*I mean, Sasha lol

*I want to give you the world, Sasha. I want to be YOUR world. Will you let me do that, girl? Will you allow me to prove to you that I should be your man and you, my woman? Don't answer until tonight. I'll have a car pick you up at 7.

My blushing was uncontrollable as I finished reading the messages. What is this man doing to me? I barely know him. Yes, I know him as the pop phenomenon that he is but I don't KNOW KNOW him. Last night was only scratching the surface of who he really was and he was giving me butterflies like I've known him for years.

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