900 28 4

Michael's Point Of View

I knew I've seen that phone number somewhere. It just never occurred to me that my own bodyguard that I trust with my life, would betray me as such.

This morning when he told me the number, I'm not sure if he got any hints that I know that he's been the one calling my mother and telling these lies about me on drugs again. I stayed quiet the rest of the car ride to my house and decided that I'd investigate him more, find out what he's really up to, before I handle him. He's definitely going to pay.

Another reason why I put the Aaron situation to the side for now is because of this moment right now.

It's now 6:45 pm and I've been waiting here for two hours now hoping Sasha would show up. All my banners are up, hundreds of flowers placed from the grand entrance and leading to the center of the mansion, and a few gifts I bought are placed perfectly for when or if she walks in.

Time was ticking away faster than usual. I sat there on the table picking at my food that was no longer edible to my liking. It was completely cold. I began to feel a great sense of discouragement as the sun was now setting, its rays hidden behind the mountains. I got up and dragged myself to the nearest mirror to take another look at my attire which I spent a good deal on to try to impress Sasha.
It was honestly probably the dumbest thing to have Versace design me a whole suit for tonight without having one hundred percent guarantee that she'd actually show up.

I finally decided that it was time to call it a night and have Dean come pick me up. As I'm cleaning up the dinner table and tossing the cold and stale food in the trash, I hear the front door open then shut. After a few seconds I hear a voice ask if anyone was here.

It was Sasha's voice.

My heart immediately jumped, beating at the speed of seventy miles per hour while butterflies wreak havoc in the pit of my stomach all simultaneously. I placed the dirty dishes in the sink and brushed my suit off.
"Sasha?" I walked out of the kitchen area and there she was standing near the double doors with a small gift bag in her hand.

"Hey," She waved awkwardly.

She appeared very frustrated like she didn't want to be here; And by her messy bun, bare face, grey sweats and oversized hoodie, it's safe to say that she didn't but had a change of heart last minute.

"Hey," I smiled nervously, "I thought you weren't coming. I'm glad you came."

"Ok. . . so why am I here?" She looked around at all the decor I had up for her. Even saw the banners but didn't seem phased by them.

"Um, I—you mind having a seat?" I motioned towards the long dining table. "I'm sorry, I'm really nervous right now." I chuckled.

She stood there with her arms crossed over her chest and stared at me in a way as if she were contemplating if she should sit or just turn around and leave. My heart was racing.

Sasha shook her head and sighed as she made her way towards me and the table.

Out of courtesy, I pulled the seat out for her before taking my seat right across from her. "Are you hungry? I had dinner for us to eat but it got really cold so. . ."

"I'm fine."

"Are you su—"

"Can we just cut to chase already? Say what you need to tell me so I can leave." She said, agitated.

I swallowed hard, hoping the lump in my throat would go down but it seemed to get greater in size as Sasha's green eyes smoldered my soul. "I, uh, asked you to come here today—well, it's kind of obvious that I'm here to tell—I know I've—"

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