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Shad's Point Of View

I parked the car on the side of the warehouse where I texted Elise to meet me at.

I've never been so eager to talk to Elise. I've always had the weirdest hunch about her but I didn't think I'd ever come to a conclusion.

I sat in my car for another ten minutes, nervously fidgeting with my phone and looking around for Elise's car.

As I'm about to call her, thinking maybe she flaked on me, I see the bright beam of headlights pull up behind me before they're turned off. I looked in my rear view mirror and it was her. 

As I'm turning off the ignition and preparing to get out, I'm startled by two knocks on the passenger side window of my car. I unlock the door and Elise opens it, getting into the car. "Sorry, I rather talk in your car," she said, fidgeting and looking around as if she were being followed. 

"You know you don't have to keep looking around like that. . ." I looked at her with a side eye. "You're making me nervous."

"I'm sorry," she puts her head down, tucking her hair behind her ear. 

I looked at her. Sort of analyzing her. Something bad was definitely going on. She looked as though she was ready to give birth any second. Her belly seemed like if it were to grow another inch, she'd literally pop inside of this car. "What's goin' on, Elise?" I asked. 

She just stared out the window.

I just continued to observe her, creating a thick silence in the small compact car. I had so much questions to ask her but I had to be wise in how I approached her if I wanted her to stay and actually open up to me. "How's the babies?" I tried shifting to a subject she'd feel comfortable talking about. "You look like you're about done baking," I chuckled. 

She chuckled but kept her gaze out of the window, "I wish. It's not fun having two humans inside you."

"I bet," I agreed. "I saw what Lauren had to go through with Raelynn. I have complete respect for you women. You guys really go through some shit."

It was quiet again for a few seconds then she spoke again. "Jermaine will have you killed if he finds out I spoke to you."

"Jermaine can't do shit to me, Elise," I raised my brow. I grabbed her hand and turned my body to directly face her. "Elise, look at me," I gently rubbed her hand, trying to make her feel safe. She turned her head and finally looked at me. "Jermaine won't dare touch a single hair on my head or any of my family. . .including you." 

I wanted to tell her about my plans with my guys from the jail but I don't know if I could trust her yet. 

"This man is a demon straight from hell. He'll do whatever he wants to do. No one will stop him. No one has ever been able to stop him."

"Why were you at the jail today?" I asked.

"I. . ." she hesitated, "I--he sent for me. I had to meet him today."

"Why?" I asked, worry written all over my face. "Why did he send for you?"

"Shad, I. . ." She began to cry. "I can't do it. I can't talk about this."

"Yes you can, Elise. You can trust me. I'm not going to say a word to anyone. Everything said in this car will stay in this car. Believe me."

She wiped her cheeks with the sleeve of her cardigan and brought her sad eyes to mine. By the look in her eyes, I could tell she was ready to tell it all. 


Michael's Point Of View

"I'm so sorry we had to cut our date short," Sasha frowned as I helped her up the stairs to her room. "I must've eaten something the baby didn't like." 

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